Chapter 95: Talk With Ross

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(Two Days Later)


So it's been two days since we took on the super soldiers and captured Zemo.

Myself and the others have been exonerated and the others were released from the raft.

Bucky is gonna staying in Wakanda so he can get the brainwashing out of his head, though he hasn't been exonerated.

Right now I'm in Berlin as I've decided to have a little chat with Ross.

I'm sitting in his office with my feet raised on the table and I'm looking at the papers of the accords.

After a moment or two I hear the door open.

Y/N: The accords. What a dumb idea.

I set the papers down on the desk.

T. Ross: Mr. L/N. I've already released your team, it's a bold move to be sitting in my office like this.

I chuckle.

Y/N: You know when I was fifteen, I had a school project due. It took me three weeks to finish because I wanted an A plus. The day it was due I walked on the bus.

I stand up and walk around the desk and sit on top of it.

Y/N: And a bully tripped me and broke my project.

T. Ross: Is there a point to this story?

Y/N: The point is I stood up and wanted to punch the shit out of him. I held my fist and I was this close to doing it. But.... I didn't. Why? Because I was coward.

T. Ross: THE Spider-Man a coward. Wish I could've seen it.

I laugh and then grab Ross by the throat and lift him off his feet.

Y/N: You know, I'm getting sick and tired of you trying to ruin lives. And it's pissing me off. If you go after any of us, after James Barnes, or anyone that has a connection to the avengers. Im going to shove so far down your throat that it goes through your ass.

I then set him down and fix his suit.

Y/N: You should smile Thaddeus.

The door opens and two agents come in.

Agent: Is there a problem here, Ross?

Y/N: Yeah, Ross. Is there a problem?

T. Ross: No. There's no problem.

The agents then leave the room.

Ross then looks to me.

Y/N: So do we have a deal?

T. Ross: Yeah.

I smile.

Y/N: Good.

My phone then beeps.

Y/N: Good chat, Thaddeus but I should be going.

I then leave the office and head back to Queens.

(Two Hours Later)

(Upstate New York)

So we're now back at my apartment and we groan when we see Tony sitting on the couch.

Y/N: Ah, I guess we're here to finish your conversation.

Tony stands up.

Tony: Something like that. I just got of the phone and had to convince Ross not to arrest you. You put your hands on him.

Y/N: I see it as helping him make the right decision.

Tony: This suit, Y/N. It's making you something you're not and it's scaring me seeing the way you're going.

Y/N: I don't have a problem, Tony. In fact the symbiote has helped my mind. It's made me see clearly.

Tony: No Y/N. It's done the opposite it. It's making you blind. And you're gonna take it off.

Y/N: No, Tony. I'm not.

I turn around to walk away but Tony grabs my arm but I spin around and throw him into the wall.

Y/N: We don't need help Tony. We don't need anything from you. So do us a favor and get the fuck out.

Tony sighs and stands up.

Tony: The real Y/N, the guy I've known, the guy who's been a good friend to me, he'd see how blind he is. He'd see that what this suit is doing. You don't want my help, you don't need me. Fine, I'm done trying to help. I just hope that you can see for yourself what's going on with you before it's too late.

Y/N: Get. The. Fuck. Out.

After a moment or so, Tony leaves the apartment.

Then we walk into the bathroom and stand in front of the sink.

We splash water on my face as we look into the mirror.

We stare into it for a moment and then turn the water off.

We don't need anybody, we don't Tony, we don't Steve, we don't need the web warriors. Hell, we don't even need the avengers.

(A/N: Well that's the end of Captain America: Civil War. Next up is Spider-Man: Wrath Of Venom.)

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