Chapter 115: Going To Asgard

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So after giving the weapon to Korg so he could start a revolution, Valkyrie, Bruce and I go to her ship.

After this we go to the ship that Thor got and Valkyrie goes under it as Thor opens the sides of it.

Valkyrie: Hope your tougher than you look.

Bruce: Why?

Bruce then is sent flying up to the ship.

Valkyrie then looks at me.

Y/N: Yeah, yeah. I got it.

I put my hands over my chest as I close my eyes.

Valkyrie then sends me flying up to the ship and I land in a superhero position.

I then see Bruce hanging over the side.

Y/N: Gah, Bruce. Come on.

I grab him and help him up.

We then start getting shot at.

Y/N: Oh shit!

Bruce: Shouldn't we be shooting back or something?

Thor: Where are the guns on this ship?

Valkyrie: There aren't any. It's a leisure vessel.

Bruce & Y/N: What?

Valkyrie: Grandmaster uses it for his good times. Orgies and stuff.

Bruce and I go up to the front with Thor.

Bruce: Did she just say the grandmasters uses it for orgies?

Thor: Yeah. Don't touch anything.

After a moment or so we see Valkyries ship get taken down.

Bruce & Thor & Y/N: No!

Then we see her land on the side of the ship.

Thor: Get inside.

Valkyrie: In a minute.

Valkyrie then goes to the top of the ship.

Bruce and Thor then look at me.

Y/N: What?

Bruce: Shouldn't you go help her?

Y/N: Why?

Bruce: I don't know maybe because you're Spider-Man!

Y/N: I'm not....Ugh. Fine but you owe me. Luckily.

I step backwards and take off my clothes revealing my suit underneath.

Thor: I gave you new clothes.

Y/N: I always wear my suit underneath.

I press the button on the suit and the mask covers my face.

Y/N: You owe me!

Then I go to the edge and drop down but stick to the bottom of the ship.

I then crawl to the top.

I then run and jump off the ship.

Y/N: Holy shit!

I then land on one of the ships as I roll and get to my knees.

Then I spin around and run and jump to the engines.

Y/N: Okay. Hmm.

I grab the engine.

Y/N: This little engine went to the market.

I rip it out.

Then I turn around and rip the other part out.

Y/N: This little engine went to Walmart.

I then run and jump to another ship.

I then see Thor come down.

Thor, Valkyrie and I then begin taking down the ships.

After we take out most of them the three of us land on one of the ships and then use it to bring us up to ours.

We then get inside.

Bruce: Guys, we're coming up on the devils anus.

I laugh and Valkyrie slaps my chest.

Y/N: Ow.

After a moment or so we sit down and Thor takes over driving as we go through the devils anus.

Once we go through it I end up blacking out.

Once I come to I look around and see the others are also knocked out.

I then look forward and see darkness.

Y/N: Whoa.

The others then wake up.

The ship flies up as we see Asgard.

Valkyrie: I never thought I'd be back here.

Bruce: I thought it'd look nicer.

Y/N: I thought it'd look greener.

Bruce: Greener?

Y/N: Well yeah.

After this Valkyrie tells us there's a bunch of Asgardians in the mountains.

We were finally in Asgard and I just hope that we could help the people and stop Thor's sister.

But knowing my luck, we won't.

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