Chapter 30: A Step In The Right Direction

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Steve's POV

Tony and I are now sitting in the main room moments after hearing that Coulson was down.

Loki had killed him and there was nothing any of us could do.

I look up and see that Fury has cards in his hands.

Then Fury looked up at us.

Nick: These were in Coulson's jacket. I guess he never got you to sign them.

He throws the cards on the table and I see blood on them.

Nick: We're dead in the air up here. Our communications, the location of the cube, Banner, L/N, Thor....I got nothing for you. I lost my one good eye. Maybe I had that coming.

He takes a breath.

Nick: Yes, we were going to build an Arsenal with the tesseract. I never, put my chips on that number though.

He sighs again.

Nick: Because I'm playing something even riskier. There was an idea, Stark knows this, called the Avengers Initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people, to see if they could become something more. To see if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight the battles we never could. Phil Coulson died still believing in that idea.

Tony stands up.

Nick: In heroes.

Tony then leaves the room.


When I come to, I start coughing as I look up and see I'm in a field.

I start crawling when I see Thor and so I move over to him and wake up.

Thor: Young one?

I stand up and I put my hand out.

Y/N: Come on.

He takes my hand and I help him up.

The two of us then start walking as we go over to Thor's hammer.

He puts his hand out but I could see that he was hesitant to pick it up.

After a few minutes, he picks it up.

Thor: Hold on.

Y/N: Why?

Then he grabs me and takes off flying into the air.

Steve's POV

I walk into the room where Tony is at.

Steve: Was he married?

Tony: I think there was a cellist.

Steve: I'm sorry, he seemed like a good man.

Tony: He was an idiot.

Steve: Why? For believing?

Tony: For taking on Loki alone.

Steve: Stark, he was doing his job.

Tony: He was out of his league. He should've waited.

Steve: Sometimes there is no way out.

Tony: Yeah, I've heard that before Cap.

Tony walks past me.

Steve: Is this the first time you've lost a soldier?

Tony turns around and looks at me.

Tony: We are not soldiers! We're not fighting Fury's fight.

Steve: Neither am I. He's got the same blood on his hands that Loki does. But right now, we got to put that behind us and get this done. Loki needs a power source. If we can put together a list...

Tony: He made it personal.

Steve: That's not the point.

Tony: That is the point. That's Loki's point. He hit us all right where we live. Why?

Steve: To tear us apart.

Tony: Divide and conquer is great, but he knows he has to take us out to win, right? Thats what he wants. He wants to beat us, he wants to be seen doing it. He wants an audience.

Tony start to walk up the steps.

Steve: Right, L/N and I caught his act in schaurt.

Tony: Thats just the previews. This is his opening night. Loki is a full-tilt diva. He wants flowers, he wants parades. He wants a monument built to the skies with his name plastered...

Tony looks at me as he comes to a realization.

Tony: Son of a bitch.

Tony and I talk about a plan and then he leaves and I go Natasha.

Steve: Time to go.

Natasha: Go where?

Steve: I'll tell you on the way. Can you fly one of those jets?

???: I can.

I turn and see Clint walk out of the bathroom and then I look at Natasha for a confirmation that he was better and she gave me a nod of assurance.

Steve: Got a suit?

Clint: Yeah.

Steve: Then suit up.

I walk out of the room.

(Fifteen minutes later)

After getting ready we all head to one of the quinjets and a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent was inside it.

Agent: Hey, you guys aren't authorized to be in here.

Steve puts his hand out.

Steve: Son, just don't.

The agent gets out of the jet and then we head off for the battle of New York.

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