Chapter 108: A Defining Moment

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After seeing Venom drops Mj I crawl over to her and hold her tightly.

Y/N: Hey, hey. You're gonna be okay. Mj, no. Please.

I feel tears running down my eyes.

Mj tries to speak but I stop her.

Y/N: No, don't talk.

I start rocking her back and forth with her in my arms.

Y/N: I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please, don't go.

She grabs my hand and holds it tightly.

After a moment or so, her grip loosens and her hand falls out of mine.

Y/N: No!!!!

I set her body down and close her eyes.

Mj was dead.

I sob as I get angry and look up at Cole.

Venom: I guess you shouldn't have given her that the suit after all.

Y/N: Ahhh!!!

I run at him and start punching him, I take out my talons and slash him in the chest.

I kick him in the gut and then use my webs to pulls him and then kick him in the face.

He knocks me down and then gets blasted to the ground by Tony.

I then stand up and run over to Felicia and break the chains.

Y/N: Miles get her out of here.

Miles: On it.

Miles takes Felicia away but I get taken to the ground again.

Tony lands on the rooftop and grabs Cole and throws him.

Tony and Venom start fighting but Venom rips at Tony's suit.

I then see the quinjet as Natasha starts shooting at Venom.

The ramp lowers as the other avengers land.

We all then start fighting venom but he takes us down.

I look at Steve.

Y/N: Is this what it was like with me?

Steve: Yeah.

Y/N: Damn. Sorry.

Steve chuckles.

Steve and I get up and go back at Venom but he takes Steve down.

Venom: It's your fault, Y/N.

I get even more angrier as I start to punch him and kick him, with each move I get even more angrier for what he did to Mj.

Tony then grabs me and pulls me off him.

Tony: We'll take him back to the compound and get the symbiote off.

Cole: No!

Cole use his webs to web Tony and I and then he runs and jumps to the quinjet.

He gets inside and after a moment or so the quinjet then starts to fly away.

Y/N: No! He's not getting away!

Tony: Y/N, don't.

I break through the webs and stand up.

I run and then launch myself and land on the quinjet.

I crawl and land on the ramp.

Before I can do anything I'm grabbed and thrown into the front.

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