Chapter 69: Pym Technologies

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So we're all now going through with the plan at Pym Technologies.

Luis and I are dressed up as security guards and we are going through the gate.

After Luis gets through, I hand the guard my id.

Guard: Don't I know you from somewhere?

Y/N: Yo, man come on. I'm just trying to get through the night. I don't have time for all this shit. Am I clear to go through?

He stares at me for a moment and then hands me my I.D.

Guard: You're clear.

I walk through and sigh.

I then walk over to Luis.

Luis: Whoa, I can't believe it worked. You got through. They didn't even recognize you.

Y/N: Yeah, let's just keep walking before someone does.

Luis and I then go to the control and when we get there, we see another guard.

Guard: Hey, what are you two doing?

Luis: Uh, boss man said to secure the area. So we're securing it.

He walks over to us.

Guard: Im the boss.

Y/N: (Whispers) Shit.

Before he can do anything I grab him and spin him around and wrap my arm around his neck.

Y/N: Shh. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep.

After a moment or so, he passes out.

Luis: Is he dead?

Y/N: No of course not. He's just knocked out.

I then set his body on the ground.

Y/N: Okay, take care of him. And I'll turn the valve.

Luis: Sir, yes sir.

He salutes me.

Y/N: Luis.

Luis: Yeah?

Y/N: I'm a superhero. Not a soldier. But...

I salute him back.

Y/N: Take care of him.

After this I go turn the water valve.

Y/N: Good luck Scott.

Luis and I then head to our positions and once I knock out the guard, Hope comes over to us.

She then goes inside as Luis and I stay by the door.

Luis: So, what's it like being a superhero? No, wait having powers? Ooh, I have the ideal super powers and Codename.

Y/N: Tell me.

Luis: Seriously?

Y/N: Of course. Let's hear them.

Hope's POV

So dad and I are now with Darren and the others and Darren has captured Scott.

Darren: So who is the new Ant-Man? Scott Lang. A martyr who took on the system and paid the price. Losing his family and his only daughter in the process. Exactly your kind of guy, Hank! He escapes his jail cell without leaving any clue as to how. And then he disappears magically. Despite having no money to his name and now he brings me the Ant-Man suit.

Hank: Darren, don't do this. If you sell to these men. It's gonna be chaos.

Darren looks at dad.

Darren: I already have. And for twice the price. Thanks to you. It's not easy to successfully infiltrate an Avengers facility. Thankfully word travels fast.

After a few more minutes of talking, Darren's men points their guns at Dad.

But Darren ends up pointing the gun at dad.

I then take a gun from one of them and point it at Darren.

Suddenly Scott manages to break through the glass as he takes down the men.

As I take one down, dad ends up shot.

Hope: Dad!

Scott's POV

After I take down the last guy I run over to Hank.

Scott: Hank, no. Hank? Listen you're gonna be okay.

Then Cross points a gun to the back of my head and Hank ends up putting something in my hand.

The ants then crawl onto Darren's hand and he drops the gun and runs out of the room.

I open my hand and see it's a tiny suit case.

Hank: Get...That...To....Y/N.

Scott: What?

Hope: Scott, go get the suit.


After hearing an alarm go off I tell Luis to hide.

Guards then start coming out as I begin taking them down.

After a few minutes, Scott appears in front of me.

Y/N: You okay?

Scott: Yeah. Uh Hank wanted me to give this to you.

He puts a tiny suitcase in my hand.

Y/N: Uh, what am I supposed to do with this?

Scott: I don't know.

I open it and then suddenly something comes out of it and attaches to my body.

I open it and then suddenly something comes out of it and attaches to my body

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(This is Y/N's suit for this arc.)

Scott: Holy shit! You look amazing.

Y/N: Really?

Scott: It's an spider...ant...suit. Spider-Ant.

Y/N: What now?

Scott: We go get the yellow jacket.

Y/N: After you.

Scott: You know how to work it right?

Y/N: Let's see uh...

I then shrink down.

Y/N: Holy shit. This is amazing.

Scott: Y/N, get on one!

I turn and see Scott on an ant. I run and jump onto an ant.

Y/N: I'll call him. Antie.

Scott: Let's move.

Scott and I then head out to stop Cross once and for all.

I also became Spider-Ant in the process. It's cringe but I like it.

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