Chapter 104: The Assault

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Mary Jane's POV

So Evander, Miles and I are now across the street from Y/N's apartment.

We have been trying to get ahold of him but haven't been able to.

Miles: You guys don't think he kept it do you?

Evander: What makes you say that?

Miles: Well I'm just saying. Maybe he kept it and is just acting like someone else has it.

Mary Jane: Y/N wouldn't do that.

Evander: Well...

Mary Jane: Guys, he wouldn't do that. Come on.

The three of us walk and as we head to go inside I see at the corner of my eye a body on the side of the building.

Mary Jane: Oh my god.

Evander: Who's that?

Miles: Is the person...?

The three of us walk and Evander kneels down.

Evander rolls the body over and my eyes widen when I see it's Jill.

Mary Jane: Oh my god. That's Barry's babysitter.

Evander: Oh shit!

Miles: What the fuck?

Mary Jane: Y/N, what did you do?

Evander: I'll call the cops.

Mary Jane: Miles, let's go check on Y/N.

Miles: I don't know if I want too.

Mary Jane: Don't be a baby. Let's go.

Miles and I then head up to the apartment to check on Y/N.

Once we arrive, the two of us walk inside and see it's trashed.

Miles: What the...?

Mary Jane: Y/N?

We look around and find Y/N on the ground.

Mary Jane: Y/N!

I run over and fall to my knees down to him and roll him over.

I see he's been beaten to a pulp.

Mary Jane: Y/N! Y/N!

I feel his pulse and he doesn't have one.

Miles: Mj, we have to get him to the compound.

Miles comes over and picks Y/N.

Mary Jane: Let's go.

Miles and I head back to Evander.

Evander: What the hell? Y/N?

Miles: We have to get him to the compound.

The three of us then bring Y/N to the compound.

(Twenty Minutes Later)

We've arrived at the compound and we run inside.

Mary Jane: Tony!

Tony comes running out.

Tony: What...Y/N?

Then the others come running out.

Wanda: Oh my god.

Steve: What happened?

Mary Jane: We don't know.

Tony: Get him in here.

We then bring Y/N into Tony's lab and hopefully he can save him.

(The Next Day)


When I come to, I see I'm in the compound. I look around and see no one around.

I try and stand up but I end up falling to the ground.

I hear footsteps and I look up and see Felicia kneeling down to me.

Felicia: Whoa. Take it easy.

Y/N: I can't. I have to find him.

She helps stand up but I step forward and fall to the ground again.

Felicia: Y/N, you need to rest.

I stand up and stumble again but I catch myself on the table.

Y/N: No, I have to find him.

Felicia: Find who?

I walk out of the lab, and see everyone.

They all start asking me what happened and if I'm okay.

But I walk past them all.

Steve: Y/N, what happened to you?

Y/N: Cole.

Tony: Cole? What do you mean?

Y/N: He's....He's Venom.

They all look at me shocked.

Mary Jane: But that.... No.

Natasha: That doesn't make any sense.

Y/N: He followed me to the church when I took it off. It must've gotten on him and I just....I know what happens when you're taken over but this...this was different.

I then think about Barry.

Y/N: Barry. I have to get to Barry.

Felicia then comes over to me.

Felicia: Barry's fine. He's fine. He's sleeping in the conference room. But Y/N, something...

Mary Jane: Something happened.

I look at Mary Jane.

Y/N: What happened?

Mary Jane: Jill. She's...she's gone.

Evander: Cole. He must've killed her.

I fall down to the ground when he says this. I couldn't believe it.

Felicia then kneels down to me.

Y/N: This is all my fault.

Tony: No. it's mine. If I would've taken the suit sooner then we wouldn't be in this mess.

Y/N: But I kept it, Tony! I did! I made the choice and now I'm paying for it.

Steve: Why would Cole wanna kill you, Y/N?

Felicia helps me stand up.

Y/N: He said.... I got everything. Fame, spider bite, powers, the girl.

Tony: Ah, so we have a jealous best friend who wants to be Spider-Man. Of course.

Y/N: I have to save him.

Steve: You're not doing anything right now. You have 15 broken ribs, a punctured lung, a sprained ankle and a ruptured kidney.

Tony: What he means Is your in no shape to be out there.

Steve and Tony come over and help me stand.

Tony: You're going to rest while we all look for Cole.

Y/N: He's my best friend.

Steve: We know.

Tony: We brought you home, so now we will bring him home.

Y/N: Angel. You have to find Angel. Coles sister. She left New York after what happened with Octavius. Just please find her. I don't want her around Cole while he's this way.

Tony: We'll find her. Do you have a last location?

Y/N: Miami. Check Miami.

Steve: We will.

Steve and Tony then bring me back to the lab and sit me down.

I couldn't believe my best friend, my brother, was now taken over by a symbiote.

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