Chapter 102: Venom Arrives

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(Three Days Later)


So I've been spending today with Barry and we've been doing a lot of catching up.

The two of us are now having a water balloon fight.

I'm hiding behind a tree as I come out and Barry hits me in the face with a balloon.

Barry: Ha, got you dad.

Y/N: So you think.

I bring my arms out from behind my back revealing water balloons in my hand.

Barry screams and starts running.

I chase after him and throw the water balloons at him.

Barry: Dad! You got me soak and wet.

I laugh.

Y/N: Ha, now who got who.

Barry starts chasing me as we run around and I end up tripping.

Barry then runs and jumps on top of me.

Y/N: Ah, this was fun.

Barry: Dad, does mom love me?

Y/N: Of course she does, Bar.

Barry: Then why'd she abandoned us and make you angry?

Y/N: I...

Before I can finish we hear screaming coming from the distance.

Y/N: Come on.

I help Barry stand up and then I pick him up and carry him.

I run with Barry in my arms as we see people screaming for their lives.

Y/N: What the...?

My spider sense goes off as I jump into the air and flip over a car with Barry still in my arms.

When I look forward I see a big creature like monster in front of us.

Barry: Dad!

I set Barry down.

Y/N: Run.

Barry: Dad. No. Please.

Y/N: Barry, run!

Barry takes off running down the street.

Suddenly I'm grabbed and throw into a car.

I crash to the ground and then I'm grabbed again and slammed onto a windshield.

The creature then holds me by my throat.

Y/N: Who are you?

???: What's the matter, Y/N? Don't your recognize us?

I look closer and realize it's the symbiote.

Y/N: The symbiote.

Symbiote: Ding, ding. We have a winner.

Y/N: What do you want? I won't rebond with you.

Symbiote: Oh that's okay, Y/N. See we found someone more capable of our abilities, someone who isn't weak. Someone who is stronger. And we know the truth.

The symbiote throws me onto the ground and then when I stand up and it grabs me and runs me through a few brick walls.

The symbiote then throws me to the ground.

Y/N: What truth is that?

The symbiote picks me up by my throat.

Symbiote: You rejected us, Y/N. We took care of you, made you whole, made you better. We made alive but you turned us down. Because your weak, because you can't do what's necessary.

Y/N: You ruined my life.

Symbiote: We made it better! And for that we've realized that in order to survive Spider-Man must die. But not right now, soon. Because we are poison to Y/N L/N and the Ultimate Spider-Man. Together we are Venom!

The symbiote throws me into a building again and after a moment of struggling I stand up and see Venom is gone.

Y/N: It corrupted someone else.

(One Hour Later)

So I'm now at the compound as I'm going to check Tony's research about symbiote's.

I go into his lab and go over to his desk, I had to find Venom.

I couldn't allow someone else to fall due to it, after all I know how it feels.

I did bring Barry to stay with Jill so hopefully Venom doesn't take him.

After a few minutes of looking I don't find anything new.

I turn around and see Vision standing there.

Y/N: Gah, you scared me.

Vision: Mr. L/N.

Y/N: Don't worry. It's me. Where is everyone?

Vision: They are all not here.

Y/N: Right. Uh, I'll see you later.

Vision: Are you okay?

I rub my head and the back of my neck.

Y/N: Uh, yeah. Yeah I'm good.

Vision: If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask.

Y/N: Of course.

I start walking but I stop and turn to Vision.

Y/N: You uh, you look good, Vision.

Vision: Thank you.

Y/N: Yeah.

Then I head out of the lab and start walking and I make my way to the exit when I see everyone else.

They all stop.

Wanda: What are you doing here?

Y/N: I deserve that.

Wanda: You deserve a hell of a lot more.

Steve: Wanda.

Y/N: I really messed up, didn't I?

Tony: Yeah, you did.

Y/N: Right. Uh, the symbiote isn't apart of me anymore if that's what you're all wondering. Uh, I was just here because uh, I was looking for stuff on it.

Natasha: Why would you be doing that?

Tony: You still have it don't you?

Y/N: No. no. I don't have it. But....

Steve: But what? Y/N?

Y/N: Somebody....someone is.

Everyone looks at me shocked.

Y/N: I'm gonna find it. I'm gonna take it and get rid of it. Trust me guys.

Cole: How are we supposed to trust you, Y/N? You almost killed Miles.

Y/N: Right, uh yeah. Uh, I'll talk to you guys later.

I walk past everyone and leave so I can go look for Venom.

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