Chapter 119: Thanos

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(Space, April 2018, Y/N's Age: 26)

Third Person Perspective

Thanos has currently invaded the ship that Y/N, Thor and Loki along with Valkyrie, Bruce and the Asgardian refugees were on, Thanos wants the tesseract.

It was an all out fight but Thanos had taken mostly everyone down.

Y/N runs at Thanos and jumps into the air and tries to punch him down but Thanos just uppercuts him.

Y/N groans as he turns around and tries to crawl away but Thanos steps on his back.

Y/N: Ahhh!!!

Thanos: Why fight the inevitable bug? Why fight the cause?

Y/N: Go to hell.

Thanos lifts Y/N up and turns him around and holds him by his neck.

Thanos: It's a shame you won't live.

Suddenly Y/N takes out his talons and stabs Thanos in neck.

Thanos grunts but laughs and then let's go off Y/N as he punches his hands and the talons are ripped out.

Y/N: Ahhhh!!!!

Y/N falls to the ground in pain.

Thanos then slams his boot down on Y/N.

Y/N then lays there helplessly.

Thanos then walks over to Thor who was on the ground hurt.

Thanos: I know what's it like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right...yet to fail, nonetheless.

Thanos picks Thor up as he groans.

Thanos: It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. But I ask you, to what end? Dread it, run from it...destiny arrives all the same. And now it's here. Or should I say...I am.

Thanos clenches his fist together.

Thanos then sets Thor down and holds him by his head.

Thor: You talk too much,

Thanos: The tesseract. Or your brothers head.

Thanos starts to squeeze Thors head.

Thanos: I assume you have a preference.

Loki: Oh I do. Kill away.

Y/N hears this and starts to crawl towards Thor.

Thanos then uses one of the stones and pushes it against Thors head as he starts screaming.

After a moment or so Loki begins to see that Thor will die.

Loki: All right. Stop!

Thanos stops and Thor gasps for air.

Thor: We don't have the tesseract. It was destroyed on Asgard.

Loki then puts his hand up and the tesseract appears.

Y/N sees this and his eyes slightly widen, he was with Loki and didn't even see him take it.

Y/N continues to crawl.

Thor: (Panting) You really are the worst brother.

Loki walks closer to Thanos and Thor.

Loki: I assure you brother...the sun will shine on us again.

Thanos: Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian.

Loki looks up at Thanos.

Loki: Well, for one things I'm not Asgardian. And for another...we have a hulk.

Suddenly Hulk comes in and he takes Thanos down.

Y/N gets to his knees as he looks at his hands which are bleeding a lot, even with his healing factor his hands were still hurting after what Thanos did.

Y/N gets up as he and Thor run at Thanos who has just taken Hulk down.

They both hit Thanos in the back of the head.

Thanos turns around as he uppercuts Y/N who lands next to Hulk.

He then kicks Thor down.

Heimdall then uses the bifrost to send Y/N and Hulk back to earth.

Meanwhile on earth, Doctor Stephan Strange and Wong are at the Sanctorum.

Stephen: Seriously, you don't have any money?

Wong: Attachment to the material is detachment from the spiritual.

Stephen: I'll tell the guys at the deli. Maybe they'll make you a metaphysical ham on rye.

Wong: Oh. Wait. Wait. Wait. I think I have 200.

Stephen stops and turns to Wong.

Stephen: Dollars?

Wong: Rupees.

Stephen: Which is?

Wong: Uh, buck and a half.

Stephen and Wong walk down the stairs.

Stephen: What do you want?

Wong: I wouldn't say no to a tuna melt.

Suddenly the bifrost crashes through the roof.

Stephen and Wong run up the stairs and look into the hole and see Y/N and Bruce.

Bruce: Thanos is coming. He's coming.

Y/N: (Panting) He's coming.

Stephen and Wong look at each other and then look back down.

Stephen: Who?

(One Hour Later)


So the two men have introduced theirselves to us as Doctor Stephen Strange and Wong.

They helped us out of the hole and Wong even gave me a first aid kite for my hands.

Bruce and I are now sitting down.

Stephen: Y/N L/N.

Y/N: Yep. That's me.

Stephen: You've been presumed dead for the last two years. They had this whole press conference and fair dedicated to you.

I look up.

Y/N: Yeah, well I wasn't exactly on earth.

Stephen: Yeah I can see that.

Bruce: Thanos is coming.

Stephen: You still haven't told us who this Thanos is.

Y/N: He's... he's unlike anything I've ever faced in my life. He has the stones.

Stephen: The infinity stones?

Y/N: You know about them?

Stephen: Yeah, we do. And how many does he have?

Bruce: Enough. We need help. The avengers.

Bruce and I look at each other.

Bruce: We need Tony.

I look at Strange.

Y/N: We need Tony Stark.

Stephen: Of course we do.

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