Chapter 18: Shock Therapy

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(The Next Day)


So it's the next day and I'm still in my suit as I took Black Cat to a hotel as I couldn't exactly bring her to my apartment.

I'm now in the bathroom after my phone had rang and I pull up my mask and answer it.

Y/N: Hello.

???: Hey, it's me.

Y/N: Hey, MJ.

Mary Jane: You didn't come here last night.

Y/N: Oh well uh you know, I uh...

I go over to the door and peak out and see Black Cat is still sleeping.

Y/N: I got busy with uh Oscorp and you know my photos.

Mary Jane: Right, of course. I'm sorry, I just was thinking we could talk about us. And you know where we stand.

Y/N: Right, yeah. Yes. We will do just that.

I hear Black Cat groan and I know she must be waking up.

Y/N: Look I gotta go. I'll call you later.

Mary Jane: Al...

I hang up the phone as I see Black Cat sit up and I walk out of the bathroom.

Y/N: Your awake.

Black Cat: What happened?

Y/N: A bomb exploded.

Black Cat: Damn it. Ow.

I go over to the desk and grab the first aid kit and then I go sit on the bed.

Black Cat: Are we at a hotel?

Y/N: Yeah, we are. I didn't exactly have your address.

Black Cat: Right.

Y/N: May I?

She puts out her arm and lifts up her sleeve and I clean her bruises.

Black Cat: You do this to all the ladies?

I chuckle.

Y/N: Are you okay?

Black Cat: He got away so no.

I wrap her arm up in a bandage.

Y/N: What did he do to you?

She looks down.

Black Cat: He killed my dad.

Y/N: Oh. Wow. That's um, it's tough.

Black Cat: I've gotten over it.

Y/N: It's okay to grieve.

She then tells me what happened to her dad and why Kingpin killed him. She also tells me that she swore revenge on Kingpin and she won't stop until she gets it.

Y/N: I know what it's like to lose someone. Someone you wish you could have back. You'd do anything to get them back no matter what. But killing Kingpin won't bring your father back. He needs to be in jail.

She looks at me and we stay silent until she speaks up.

Black Cat: Who are you?

Y/N: I...

She leans in and lifts my mask up a little bit.

Y/N: Wait...

She then puts her lips on mine as we start kissing. I put my hands on her waist.

But suddenly I get lightheaded as I stand up and stumble backwards.

Y/N: What....?

She stands up.

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