Chapter 131: Ant-Man Is Back

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Third Person Perspective

Natasha Romanoff a.k.a Black Widow and Evander Axe a.k.a Shadow Spider are currently in a meeting with Rhodey, Rocket, Nebula and Okeye as they are updating us in things.

Natasha has been leading the avengers from the compound, and Evander is there to help.

Rocket: Yeah. We boarded that highly-suspect warship Danvers pinged.

Nebula: It was an infectious garbage scew.

Rocket: So, thanks for the hot tip.

Carol: Well, you were closer.

Rocket: Yeah, and now we smell like garbage.

Evander chuckles at this.

Natasha: You get a reading on those tremors?

Okeye: Twas a mild subduction under the African plate.

Evander: Do we have a visual? How are we handling it?

Okeye: Guts. It's an earthquake under the ocean. We handle it by not handling it.

Evander sighs.

Evander: Carol, are we seeing you next month?

Carol: Not likely.

Rocket: What? You gonna get another haircut?

Carol: Listen, fur face. I'm covering a lot of territory. The things that are happening on earth are happening everywhere. On thousands of planets.

Rocket: All right. All right. That's a good point.

Carol: So, you might not see me for a long time.

Natasha: All right. Uh, well...This channels always active. So, if anything goes sideways...anyone's making trouble where they shouldn't...comes through me or Evander.

Everyone then leaves the meeting except for Rhodey.

Natasha sighs.

Natasha: Where are you?

Rhodey: Mexico. The federales found a room full of bodies. Looks like a bunch of cartel guys never even had a chance to get their guns off.

Natasha: It's probably a rival gang.

Rhodey: Except it isn't. It's definitely Barton. What he's done here. What's he's been doing for the last few years, along with what Y/N has been doing.

Evander: Y/N hasn't killed anyone.

Rhodey: No, he just leaves his victims in comas.

Evander sighs.

Rhodey: The scene that Barton left...I gotta tell you. There's a part of me that doesn't even wanna find him.

Natasha: Will you find out where he's going next?

Rhodey: Nat?

Natasha: Please?

Rhodey: Okay.

Evander: And Y/N....Will you find him?

Rhodey: Yeah.

Rhodey then leaves the meeting.

Steve: I'd offer to cook dinner, but Natasha seems miserable enough.

Natasha and Evander look over and see Steve leaning in the doorway.

Evander:: Here to do laundry?

Steve: And to see my friends.

Natasha: Well your friends are fine.

After a few minutes of talking, an alarm starts going off.

Natasha swipes and brings up the security footage.

Scott Lang is outside.

Scott: Uh, hi, hi. Uh, anybody home? This is uh Scott Lang. We met a few years ago at the Germany? I was the guy that got really big. I had a mask on. You wouldn't recognize me.

Steve: Is this an old message?

Natasha: No, it's the front gate.

Scott: I really need to talk to you guys.

Natasha's POV

After we bring Scott inside, he starts muttering and pacing to himself.

Steve: Scott, are you okay?

Scott: Yeah, yeah, it's just...have any of you ever studied quantum physics?

We all look at each other in confusion.

Natasha: Only to make conversation.

Scott then tells us that he was in a place called the quantum realm before Thanos showed up.

Natasha: I'm sorry. That must've been a very long five years.

Scott: Yeah, but that's just it. It wasn't. For me, it was five hours.

Scott then goes on to say that they're may be a way to control the quantum realm to travel through time before Thanos wiped half the universe.

Evander: Wait, are you talking about a time machine?

Scott: No, no of course, not a time machine. Well yeah I guess a time machine. I know it's crazy.

Natasha: Scott, I get emails from a talking raccoon. So nothing sounds crazy to me.

Steve: Is this really possible? I mean to build a time machine.

Scott: We'd need somebody with a really big brain.

Evander, Steve and I look at each other. We knew exactly who we needed to talk too.

Steve: We need to speak to Tony.

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