Chapter 37: Return Of MJ

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So I'm now at the lab and luckily I called Dr. Octavius to make sure he wasn't gonna be here.

Once I walk inside I head into the back room to work on my suit.

As I'm working on it I hear the door open.

I turn to see Dr. Octavius standing there.

Dr. Octavius: Y/N, what are you doing here? It's late.

Y/N: Dr. Octavius! What you got there?

I try my best to cover up my suit so he doesn't see it.

Dr. Octavius: Chinese. If I'd known you'd be here I would have...

He spots something.

Dr. Octavius: What are working on?

Y/N: Oh, it's just a side project.

He looks closer and sees my suit sitting there.

Dr. Octavius: Of course, it's you.

Y/N: I don't know what your talking about.

Dr. Octavius: Oh, come on, L/N it's obvious. I only wish you would have told me.

Y/N: I wanted to doc. I was just afraid that if word got out my family would he put in danger.

Dr. Octavius: Well, that does make sense. If you design his equipment your bound to be a target too.

Y/N: Yeah... I mean yeah! Exactly.

Dr. Octavius: Well don't worry Y/N, your secrets safe with me.

Y/N: Thanks doc.

Dr. Octavius: Okay, I'll leave you to work.

Y/N: Okay, thanks again.

He nods to me and leaves the room.

(The Next Day)

So it's the next day and I wake up with a note tapped to my head from Dr. Octavius.

After reading the note I get up and go over to the computer.

Y/N: I wonder if this is how Doc fires me.

I login in to the computer and see a message from Dr. Octavius.

After reading his message I open up a folder that he created for his own Spider-Man suit designs that he spoke of in the message.

Y/N: A red and black suit huh? Not a bad idea doc. I like it.

(This is the new suit

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(This is the new suit. Just imagine the blue is black.)

(Two Hours Later)

After two hours of working I finally finish the suit that Dr. Octavius designed for me.

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