Chapter 130: Five Years Later

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(Russia, April 2023, Y/N's Age: 33)

Third Person Perspective

In Russia there is currently a gathering at City Hall, men and woman are talking amongst themselves.

Up in the shafts, Y/N is currently looking down below, he is wearing a new suit.

Up in the shafts, Y/N is currently looking down below, he is wearing a new suit

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(This is Y/N's new suit for now. Hope you like it.)

Y/N is currently looking for Wilson Fisk a.k.a Kingpin.

After a moment or so he walks along the shafts and sees Herman Schultz a.k.a Shocker. He was Kingpin's minion years ago.

Once Herman walks into the other room, Y/N goes to the vent and crawls inside.


Once I crawl through the vents I stick to the wall and look down at Shocker.

I then drop to the ground and stand up.

Herman: I had a feeling you'd be coming.

Y/N: Here I am.

Shocker turns around.

Herman: Wow, I gotta say...I'm impressed. Spider-Man goes dark.

Y/N: I'm not Spider-Man anymore.

Herman: Then who are you?

Y/N: A broken man with nothing left to lose.

He laughs.

Herman: Ain't that the truth. I saw on the news what you and Ronin did to those men in Germany. You really fucked people up.

(A/N: Forgot to mention in the prologue that Y/N and Clint have worked together a few times in the last five years.)

Y/N: Tell me where Kingpin is and you don't have to end up like him.

Herman: Sorry, Not Spider-Man. I'll never tell.

Y/N: And that's where you fucked up.

I web zip at him and kick him down.

Y/N: Tell me where he is.

He stands up and takes his jacket off. My spider sense goes off as he blasts me back and I go through the wall and crash to the ground.

I look over and see men with guns.

Y/N: I walked into a trap.

I laugh.

Shocker: Kill him, boys.

I stand up and they start shooting me but I dodge the bullets then I web the men up.

After this I take more men out as I beat the shit out of them, one runs at me but i flip him over and slam him on the ground and stomp on his leg.

Men: Ahhh!!!

Shocker: You really have changed, haven't you?

Y/N: Five years is along time.

Shocker: The world has changed with you.

Y/N: I guess so.

I run at shocker and he starts blasting me but I dodge the blasts and I make it to him and tackle him to the ground.

We start punching each other but he blasts me off him.

I groan as I get on my knees and he kicks me in the face.

He blasts me again and I roll on the ground.

I start crawling but he once again blasts me and I go flying into the wall.

He walks over to me and grabs me by the neck.

He then takes my mask off.

Shocker: Oh how the spider has fallen. It's time to crush the spider.

He puts me on my knees.

Y/N: Whatever.

He goes to blast me again but stops.

Shocker: What?

Y/N: Go on, do it.

Shocker: You want me to kill you?

I spread my arms apart.

Y/N: Go on, do it. Kill me. Kill me. KILL ME!!!

Shocker: Wow. Huh? It's not even worth it.

Y/N: What?

Shocker: It used to be fun fighting you. But now what's the point if you want to die?

He turns around.

Y/N: No, no, no. Get back here. Shocker. Shocker! Tell me where he is! Kill me! Do whatever!

Shocker: Sorry, Spider. Even if I did know, I wouldn't tell you.

Shocker then leaves the room.

I sit down and punch the ground.

Y/N: Ahhhh!!!!

After this I stand up and grab my mask. I put it on and then go over to the window and web swing out.

(One Hour Later)

So I'm now at an old apartment which is abandoned and I'm now taking a shower.

After my shower, I get out and get dressed.

I go and sit down at the table and look through Kingpins file. He's gotta be in Russia somewhere.

I know this because an old contact of his talked to him and luckily I found him and he told me he was in Russia. He had no reason to lie.

Luckily, I placed a tracker on Shocker, so If he knows where Kingpin is, he'll lead me straight to him.

I turn on my computer and look at the tracker.

Y/N: I'm coming for you, Kingpin.

I then get back into my suit, and after I head to Shocker's location.

Third Person Perspective

At an abandoned storage room, there is a van that is labeled "Lang" A rat crawls over the vans rear windshield and accidentally activated the controls.

Then suddenly the van glows as the doors are pushed open and out comes Scott Lang alive and well.

After a moment or so, Scott stands up and looks around confused as to where he was.

Scott: What the hell?

Scott Lang was alive and well, but how?

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