Chapter 89: Bucky Barnes

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(Three Days Later)


So, It's been three days since the avengers were given a choice to sign the accords.

In the last three days a couple things happened.

For starters, The UN was bombed during the meeting about the accords and the king of Wakanda was killed in the bombing.

The whole world believes Bucky Barnes is responsible for it.

I'm now in my suit on a rooftop thinking this fucking accords.

It's Ross's fault why this is happening. I don't give a fuck what anyone else says. Because of Ross the accords exist.

After a moment or so my phone beeps.

I take it out and see that Sam, and Steve have been arrested along with Bucky Barnes and T'challa, the son of the king of Wakanda.

I then see it was Ross who ordered they be arrested.

Y/N: I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye.

(Just imagine its Y/N instead of Peter and Y/N is wearing the symbiote

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(Just imagine its Y/N instead of Peter and Y/N is wearing the symbiote.)

(Two Hours Later)

So I'm now at the facility where Sam and Steve are.

I walk inside and see Nat standing with Ross and Tony.

Y/N: What the fuck, Ross?

Tony: Y/N, don't.

I walk closer to him but Tony holds me back.

Y/N: This is your fault.

T. Ross: No, L/N. It's Rogers and Wilson. It's their fault.

Y/N: Bullshit. You hate the avengers. You'd do anything to get rid of them.

Natasha: Calm down Y/N.

I push Tony away.

Y/N: I'm not gonna calm down, Natasha. Ross is a snake. I mean if it were up to him the avengers wouldn't even exist.

T. Ross: They should be asking for forgiveness and then signing the accords.

Y/N: You want forgiveness, get fucking religion.

Tony: Hey, why don't we take a breather?

I push Tony away again.

Y/N: No this is ridiculous.

I look at Ross.

Y/N: I should punch you in your face right now.

I walk towards him but Tony grabs my shoulder.

Tony: Ross, I'll handle Y/N.

T. Ross: You better. Otherwise I have a bunch of officers here that will.

Ross walks away.

Tony: Widow. Give me a moment with Y/N.

Natasha walks away.

Tony: Here, come on. Let's take a moment.

Tony brings me into an office and closes the door.

Tony: I know your still wearing the symbiote Y/N.

Y/N: God, not this again. We're fine, everything's fine. It's just Ross...

Tony: Your not fine, Y/N. This suit, it's making you into something your not. It's turning you into something you're gonna regret later. I shouldn't have let you keep it. You need to take it off.

Y/N: It's not the fucking suit, Tony.

Tony: Yes it is. Now please take it off.

I get into his face.

Y/N: Or what?

Tony: I'll make you.

I laugh.

Y/N: Go ahead and try.

After a moment or so, the lights go out.

Tony: What the...?

Tony and I walk over to the door.

Tony: This conversation isn't over.

Y/N: Yeah it is.

Tony and I go out the door and start walking down the hallway.

As we turn the corner I see Steve and Sam.

I look at Tony as he turns the opposite direction.

Then I start running down the hallway after Steve and Sam.

(Two Hours Later)

After finding Steve and Sam, we got an unconscious Bucky and took him to an abandoned warehouse.

Sam and I are now waiting for him as Steve is outside.

After a moment or so, Bucky starts to wake up.

Y/N: Cap!

Steve comes over to us and we stand by Bucky.

Bucky: Steve?

Steve: Which Bucky am I talking to?

Bucky: Your moms name was Sarah. You used to wear newspapers in your shoes.

Steve: Can't read that in a museum.

Y/N: Just like that, we're supposed to be cool?

Steve: We can, Y/N.

I scoff.

Bucky: What did I do?

Steve: Enough.

Bucky: I knew this would happen. Everything HYDRA put inside me is still there. All he had to do was say those goddamn words.

Steve: Who was he?

Bucky: I don't know.

Steve: People are dead. The building, the setup...the doctor did all that just to get ten minutes with you. I need you to do better than "I don't know."

Bucky thinks for a minute.

Bucky: He wanted to know about Siberia. Where I was kept. He wanted to know exactly where.

Y/N: Why would he need to know that?

Bucky looks at me.

Bucky: Because I'm not the only winter soldier.

Bucky tells us that he was sent on a mission in 1991 to get a version of the super soldier serum but when they serum was used and they failed the people were put into cryo freeze.

Steve: The doctor, could he control them?

Bucky: Enough.

Steve: Said he wanted to see an empire fall...

Bucky: With these guys he could do it. They speak 30 languages, can hide in plain sight...infiltrate, assassinate, destabilize. They can take a whole country down in one night, youd never see them coming.

The three of us walk over to the side.

Sam: This would have been a lot easier a week ago.

Steve: If we call Tony...

Sam: No, he won't believe us.

Steve: Even if he did...

Y/N: Who knows if the accords would let him help.

Steve: Then we're on our own.

I think for a moment.

Y/N: Maybe not. I know a guy.

Sam: I also know a guy.

Steve looks at us in confusion.

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