Chapter 105: No Clue

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Third Person Perspective

Tony in his Iron-Man suit has just arrived with Angel at a penthouse.

Angel: Could you please tell me why I'm here?

Tony: It's complicated just trust me your gonna wanna stay here.

???: Yeah, Angel. It's got quite a view.

They both turn and see Cole sitting in the chair.

Tony stands protectively in front of Angel.

Tony: Cole, leave now.

Angel: What? No. Stay. I've missed you.

Cole stands up from the chair.

Cole: I've missed you too. See I knew that when I called your roommate and she told me that you left. I had a feeling it was one of my good old pals. And I knew you'd place her somewhere and luckily I remembered this penthouse.

Tony: It doesn't have to go this way, Cole.

Cole steps forward.

Cole: No, I think it does. See we're finally free from Y/N, Tony. And you can be too.

Tony: Ah, I'm good. He can be a dick sometimes but he's a good friend.

Cole: No. He's a terrible friend. See once you and Felicia, and Steve came around he got rid of me. He's selfish. He got everything while me I got nothing but bow and arrow.

Angel: I don't understand. What's happening?

Cole: What's happening Angel is I'm gonna free the world. I'm gonna set them free from the ridiculous notion that it needs Spider-Man.

Cole turns into Venom as he snarls at Tony but Tony blasts him into the wall.

Tony grabs ahold of Angel as he flies them out of there.

Meanwhile with Venom he stands up and chuckles.


After a little bit of resting I walk out of the lab and see Felicia.

Felicia: Hey, you should be resting.

Y/N: All this talk of you gaining my trust back. And you working to fix things and yet, I'm the one who now has to fix things. The symbiote ruined every relationship I've had.

Felicia: You can't think like that, Y/N. The symbiote changed you but you fought it off. And now we're gonna save Cole.

Y/N: He killed Jill, Felicia.

Felicia: It's not him.

I limp past her and rub the back of my neck.

Y/N: In a way it is. Just like in a way it was me.

Felicia: What do you mean?

I look at her.

Y/N: Cole, he said I got everything while he got nothing. And he's right. I did get the powers, I became an avenger. And I rubbed it in his face. I didn't mean to but I did.

Felicia: So what? You became Spider-Man. He's gonna have to get over it.

Y/N: Yeah but he doesn't see it that way and now he's...he's Venom. And I don't know what to do.

I go over and sit down.

Felicia then comes over and kneels down to me.

Felicia: Hey, it doesn't matter who's fault it is. Mine, yours, Tony's. There's a lot of blame going around which doesn't help anyone of us. We're gonna find Cole and save him. How did you get the symbiote off?

Y/N: Vibrations.

Felicia: So that's where we start. We do the exact same thing you did. And when this is over, you and I can talk.

Y/N: Alright. Yeah, you're right. Okay. I'll uh go to Tony's lab and think about how to use the vibrations to get it off.

I go to walk away but I was curious so I ask the question that needs to be asked,

Y/N: Why'd you come back Felicia?

Felicia: For you.

I chuckle.

Y/N: No. Thats not the only reason. Tell me. I'm curious.

Felicia: That's not important right now. We'll talk when this is over.

I nod.

Felicia: I'm gonna go get something to eat.

Y/N: Alright..

I then head to the lab.

(Two Hours Later)

So it's been two hours and I've been working on how to use vibrations against Venom.

It should come easy to me but my mind has been focused on everything that's happened.

I get angry and throw shit of the desk.

Tony: Whoa, hey! I understand I made a mistake but no need to take it out on my things.

I turn and see Tony.

Y/N: What? Oh uh It wasn't your fault, Tony. No, I'm just....Venom, the symbiote hates vibrations so I've been trying to figure out how to use that to separate Cole and the symbiote.

Tony walks around the table and sits down.

Tony: Have you tried a vibration gun?

Y/N: Huh?

Tony: You know, a gun that shoots out vibrations.

Y/N: Nope. No. That I feel dumb. Uh, hey. How'd it go with Angel?

Tony; She's off the grid. Not even Cole will be able to find her.

Y/N: Thank you, Tony.

Tony: It's not a problem. Well hey why don't we get to work on your vibration gun?

Y/N: Hmm....

Tony: What's wrong?

Y/N: It's Felicia. She went out to get food. And she should have...

Then Felicia walks into the lab.

Felicia: Sorry it took so long.

Y/N: Thank god.

I go over and hug her.

Felicia: Uh, wow. If I know burgers were what it would take to get a hug out of you, I would've did it days ago.

We pull away.

Y/N: I was worried. Just don't go anywhere else, okay?

Felicia: Yeah I won't. Uh I'm gonna try to give this to Barry.

Y/N: Alright.

Felicia then walks out of the lab as I turn to Tony.

Y/N: Let's get to work.

Tony: Let's do it.

Tony and I then get to work on hopefully making a gun that will help with Cole.

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