Chapter 100: Spider-Man Vs. The Avengers

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So we're now sitting on a rooftop thinking about what happened.

They shouldn't have tried to separate us, I mean we don't to be separated. We're perfectly fine.

After a moment or so, we stand up and see Felicia.

Y/N: We thought we told you to go.

Felicia: We didn't get to finish our conversation.

Y/N: Yeah, well we did.

Felicia: Are you really that blind to the fact that suit is making you something your not?

Y/N: We don't have time for this.

We walk and drop down from the rooftop.

Felicia: Y/N, stop.

Y/N: No.

We turn around to her and see her drop down from the rooftop.

Felicia: It's time to let the suit go. It's time to take it off.

Y/N: We're not taking it off.

Felicia: You can't even see it. The "We" instead of "I". The aggression, the way you look. This suit, why won't you listen?

Y/N: We don't have to listen. And we're done here.

Felicia: You're gonna take it off or I'll force it off.

We laugh at this.

Y/N: Your gonna force it off us? You and what army?

???: This one.

We turn and see each avenger come out from the shadows including the web warriors.

Y/N: You guys are seriously gonna take her side? She abandoned us, she abandoned Barry.

Tony: Y/N, we're here to help you.

Y/N: For the last time we don't need help.

I turn to walk but Felicia stands in our way.

Y/N: Move. I won't say it again.

Felicia kicks us down to the ground.

Steve: You're not leaving with the suit on, Y/N.

We roll onto our knees the stand up.

Y/N: We'll see about that.

Our mask covers our face as the avengers then come at us.

We manage to take them all down.

We feel our spider sense go off, Cap throws his shield at us but we spin around and catch it and throw it back at him.

We feel our spider sense go off, Cap throws his shield at us but we spin around and catch it and throw it back at him

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(Just imagine its Y/N instead of Bucky and Y/N is wearing the symbiote.)

Evander comes at us and starts shooting his webs at us, we spin in the air and round house kick him down.

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