Chapter 111: Return Of Thor

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Third Person Perspective

Thor is now in Sakaar after his father died.

His sister Hela then returned and he landed on Sakaar before being taken by Scrapper 142.

Thor is now going to participate in the contest of champions.

The grandmaster appears as a hologram over the crowd.

Grandmaster: Wow. Look at all of you. What a show. What a night. Who's having fun? Please. I'm your host. Big round of applause for all of our undercard competitors who today died so gruesomely.

The crowd continues to cheer.

Grandmaster: Good sports. What a show! What a night! This is what you've come for. And so have I. And now without further's main event time.

The audience cheers even louder.

Grandmaster: Making his first appearance though he looks quite a couple of tricks up his sleeve. I'll say no more. See what you think. Ladies and gentlemen I give you...Lord of Thunder.

A big door opens on the side as Thor walks out of it with a new haircut.

He looks around.

Grandmaster: Watch out for his fingers. They make sparks. Okay this is it. Let's get ready to welcome these two guys. Here they come.

Fireworks start going off.

Grandmaster: Our first champion is a monster. What can we say about him? Well he's unique there's none like him. Oh and our second champion, he may not look tough but he could throw you before you even cough. He's one of the best we've ever had. I have special connections with both of them. They are undefeated. They are the reigning. They are the defending.

As this is going on Thor is getting ready for battle.

Grandmaster: Ladies and gentlemen I give you...The incredible and the deadly Hulk! And Man-Spider!

The door bursts open as Y/N comes out in his suit and lands in a superhero position.

Hulk then comes out behind him and roars loudly.

Thor: Yes!!!!!!!

The crowd settles down after hearing Thor yell this, they were confused by this

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The crowd settles down after hearing Thor yell this, they were confused by this.

Hulk then begins roaring for the crowd as Y/N just stands up without saying a word.

Thor: Hey, hey. We know each other. They're friends from work.

Hulk then stops and looks at Thor.

Thor: Where have you been? We all thought you were dead. So much has happened since I last saw you.

Thor then looks at Y/N.

Thor: And wow. You look great. I like the suit. But how did you get here? But wow, you look great. Me on the other hand I lost my hammer. Like yesterday, so that's still pretty fresh. Loki. Loki's alive. Can you believe that? He's up there.

Y/N and Hulk look up.

Thor: Loki. Look who it is. Banner, Y/N, I never thought I would say but I am so happy to see you both.

Half of the crowd cheers Hulk while the other half begins chanting Man-Spider.

Thor: Hey, Banner. Banner! Y/N.

Hulk: No Banner. Only Hulk.

Y/N and Hulk both get ready to attack Thor.

Thor: Wait, what are you doing? It's me. It's Thor.

Y/N walks closer to Thor.

Thor: See look. Y/N knows.

Suddenly Y/N spin kicks Thor as he goes flying and crashes into the wall and then falls to the ground.

Thor then gets up as both Hulk and Y/N charge at him.

Hulk goes at Thor but he moves out of the way.

Thor: This is crazy. The three of us are friends. I don't wanna hurt you.

Hulk roars as he attacks Thor.

Thor hits Hulk with his sword as he goes flying.

Thor turns around only to be met with a kick from Y/N.

Thor stumbles back as Y/N webs his legs and pulls him to the ground but Thor gets up and kicks Y/N as he goes flying.

Y/N gets back up and he runs at Thor and jumps over him and spins in the air as he kicks him in the back of the head.

Y/N lands on his feet as he grabs Thor by the feet and flips him over.

Y/N grabs Thor by the neck and lifts him up.

Thor: L/N, please. You know me.

Y/N punches Thor in the face and then kicks him in the gut.

Y/N goes to punch Thor again but Thor catches his fist and head butts him.

Thor then runs and tackles Y/N as he punches him and then throws him into the wall.

Hulk then goes back at Thor as the two begin fighting again, though Thor tries to get Bruce to come out but it doesn't work.

The fight continues on as Y/N finally gets up.

Thor goes to hit Hulk with a sword but Y/N jumps in front of it and catches it.

Hulk pushes Y/N out of the way as he punches Thor.

Thor and Hulk continue fighting but electricity courses of Thors body as Hulk goes flying.

Y/N and Hulk stand up as Thor walks towards them but he gets electrocuted and falls to the ground.

Hulk then jumps into the air and crashes down onto Thor.

(A/N: Sorry everyone. I know this chapter wasn't good. I tried my best though.)

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