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HyunJin woken up with dried tear stains on his cheeks. His eyes were swollen and his face was puffy. He tried to recall what happened yesterday.

Dad appeared yesterday and talked to me.

I tried to come with him but he didn't let me. And even told me that I've met someone who's gonna change my life soon then he left afterwards.

HyunJin smiled at his memories from yesterday. Finally, he felt his dad's hug again after so so many years. But he remembered that he tripped from the wet floor and that made him pass out last night so....why is he on the bed now-


His phone lit up as it notified him something. He grabbed his phone and look for whatever it is. Then he saw the ID named "Party geek".

He smirked, knowing who it was. He looked at his message.

Hey, you up? Can we talk?
Sent: 8:54 am

He checked the time and sighed. He doesn't have class now as it is Saturday already. He then began to type on his phone, replying Chan back.

What is it?
Sent: 8:55 am

He only waited for seconds before his phone rang. He tap the green button, answering the olders' call.

"Hey, HyunJin. Sup?" Chan asked.

HyunJin just let out a deep breath. "Fine. I guess. Still disappointed though". He clicked his tongue at the end.

"Yep. So sad to hear that. But you know, if you want to let our your frustrations, you can come to my house. Only if you want to, of course. We could drink some beer and eat chips?? Or chicken, whatever you like." Chan suggested and HyunJin just shook his head playfully. He knew it. Chan's just gonna ask him to attend to his party.

"Just say you want me to come to your party. But Chan, i think I'm not in the mood for that". HyunJin explained. He's really exhausted right now and he just want to sleep for the whole day. He heard the other line complained.

"What?? WHYY!???? BUT YOU PROMISED, RIGHT???" He can already see that Chan is stomping his foot right now while pouting hard. HyunJin just chuckled.

"I know I know but...i really can't, Channie. Sorry". HyunJin gave him an apologetic tone. He heard the other line sigh loudly.

"Okay...you gonna need to pay me then." Chan said. HyunJins' eyes went wide.

"What? Pay you?"

"Yeah. That's what we promised to each other, right? You need to pay me if you break our promise". Chan explained with a teasing tone.

HyunJin let out a sigh of frustration. "Okay...how much do you want?" HyunJin knows he's tight in budget, but Chan won't ask him too much money, right-

"$350. How's that?" Chan asked. HyunJins' jaw fell to the floor. 350!?! IT'S MORE THAN THE AMOUNT I ONLY HAVE RIGHT NOW!

HyunJin groaned loudly and rolled his eyes. "Ugh! Fine I'll come! What time?" HyunJin asked, annoyingly.

"Later evening. Probably 6 or 7 or you could come earlier if you want to and help me set my stuffs up". Chan was smiling widely. His mission is going according to his plan.

"Okay okay. I'll be there later. Do you have a dress code or something?"

"No no no! You could wear anything you like. It's all set. SEE YAH LATER, MR. HWANG!" Then he dropped the call. HyunJin just stare blankly at his phone.

"That geek really knows how to threaten me, huh? ARGH!!" He groaned. He badly want to punch that Christopher right now but he can't. Chan was too kind for that. (But he's just too manipulative sometimes that you can't help but to follow his commands or you're gonna pay him something later.) He looked for the time.

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