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"HyunJin, come on. We need to go to school".

"Chan, how many times do I have to tell you that i don't wanna do anything in this day other than watch tv, lock myself in the room, think about Felix, cry, sleep and then the cycle goes on. I don't have the motivation to study anymore so stop bugging me, will you?" HyunJin groaned, nudging himself on the couch as he lazily watched the show flashing on the screen despite not actually putting his attention into it.

Chan rested his hands on his waist, not accepting defeat. "But you can't always skip school. It's bad for your record. You've been locking yourself here for three days straight and the contest is on 20, if you may be forgetting."

HyunJin was stumped. It's already the 18th of September. Three days since Felixs' birthday. Four days since the last day they saw each other. HyunJin breathed deeply. Shutting his eyes, grunting annoyingly.

He don't want to attend school nor join the dance contest anymore. I mean....... what's the sense? His one and only motivation left him.

"you will perform there for Felix. Dedicate your dance for him. For letting you have the title even though he wants to be the representative for the schools' dance."

Once again, his dads' words rewinded in his head, probably waking him up and giving him motivation to continue going to school and continue to perform for that dance contest despite of loosing interest in it.

"UGH FINE! Lend me clothes then. I don't have any clothes with me." HyunJin crossed his arms, eyes are rolling.

Chan smiled widely although HyunJin is giving him bratty attitude. "Just barge in my room and get some in my closet."

HyunJin stomped his feet and head upstairs to find a bathroom he could search first. Fucking 2000 square meter house.

Chan was just chuckling as he sat on the sofa when he heard the doorbell from outside ringing.

"Who's that?" Chan asked, but no response. The man raised his brow and decided to just see the visitor for himself. When he reached the doorway, he twisted the knob and spread the doors open, gasping when he saw who visited him early in the morning.

"M-Mate?" Chan looked at the younger aussie from head to toe before he pulled the blonde into a tight hug. "I'm sorry i didn't got to meet you and greet you on your birthday. Belated happy birthday, mate". Chan then parted from their hug.

"It's alright. It's not like.......i was celebrating or something. I just got here to bring back these stuffs". Felix hung his head low and pulled out something from behind. A luggage.

"H-Huh? What's that?"

"HyunJins' clothes and his other stuff he left in my house. I'm........bringing it back to him. They can't stay with me for longer." Felix felt himself tearing up again just by surrendering HyunJins' things. The stuffs doesn't belong to him but why does it hurt giving them back?

"I-i uh.......h-how did you know he's staying here?"

"He has nowhere to go except yours. He can't go back home. He and his mom are still not in a good terms and amongst all the boys in the gang, he's more close to you. He trust you because he know that you have his back when he need you the most. And I'm guessing that you already know what happened to the two of us".

"Don't you even want to see him just for a bit? He's been crying and skipping schools after that day." Chan frowned and the information just made Felix feel bad for HyunJin and even more guilty, causing him to cry rivers.

"I-i can't, mate. I can't stand seeing him again after I broke his heart. I just-.....i just went here to give his clothes back. I-i need to go now. It's nice meeting you again, Mate". Felix did a last tight hug on the elder and pushed HyunJins' luggage inside before he stormed out of Chans' house, running away as fast as he can.

𝘐𝘕 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 ~|HYUNLIX|~Where stories live. Discover now