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It's now 8 in the evening and the guys have eaten their dinner and did many stuffs before that. They played video games and some joyful parlor games, uno, and talked about random funny things.

They had a lot of fun, but Felix wasn't really. His hangover went back but not totally as painful as earlier but it's still uncomfortable for him, but he just pretended that he's fine since he doesn't wanna ruin the fun and the day of the gang. And another thing, he wasn't having a lot of fun whenever he sees SeungMin lowkey flirting on HyunJin. He rolled his eyes for like a 100th time for this day just because of SeungMins' presence. And the fact that both HyunJin and SeungMin are enjoying teasing each other, it made him feel frustrated from the inside. So he will flirt to ChangBin as well to put his burden away from the two. Thankfully, ChangBin is really helping him. And he would notice from time to time that HyunJin will look at them too, especially when Felix will use the nickname 'Big Guy' on ChangBin.

But Felix also noticed that HyunJin is fighting back with him. He will flirt even more on SeungMin then he'll look at Felix. It's as if they were coming back to the old them, but HyunJin is still wasn't talking to him, but he definitely is teasing Felix back. Especially when when they were playing paper dance (A/N: i don't exactly know the name but it's the game where there are many players with two pairs and the host will play a song, the pairs will dance and when the host pause the music, they need to get inside the paper and then they'll fold the paper into smaller size and the pairs need to get inside the paper again and hold as long as they can until there's a winner). HyunJin was paired with SeungMin, Felix was on ChangBin, Minhos' on JiSung, and the two remaining became the hosts. Felix complimented ChangBin when the elder carried him in his arms since the folded paper is really tiny and only a toe would fit in. Hyunjins' face got annoyed so he carried SeungMin at the front, he hugged the younger tightly in his arms so SeungMin wouldn't fall and HyunJin could Concentrate on balancing in one foot. Felixs' face went dark on that stunt HyunJin just pulled. But at the same time, Felix was enjoying the attention he's getting from HyunJin. He could feel that they're getting back from what they were before.

That and many more attempts on trying to tease and 'making each other jealous'. They did that on all of their games but still HyunJin wouldn't talk to him and Felix scowled. So he made this next game they're doing his opportunity to talk to the taller.

"Here is the most awaited part of the day!!" Chan cheered as he grabbed bottles of beers in his hand and dropped it at the side. They'll gonna use that while on game. "Your most favorite game ever, spin the bottle~". Chan said and the guys yelled, cheering loudly and whistling like maniac (A/N: STREAM MANIAC Y'ALL!!!! 😭❤️). (All of them already got and consumed some booze so they already loosen themselves up). ChangBin and Minho went back to the guys, who's sitting on circular, they have shot glasses on their hands and gave one each per person. Chan used the bottle opener to unseal the beer. And he poured the drink in the shot glasses, when there's a little bit left inside the bottle, Chan chugged it down and letting out a loud 'ah' at the end. He used the empty bottle for their spin the bottle game.

"So.....of course as the host of this party, I'm going to spin the bottle first and you know the mechanics already. Alright! Hereee we go!" Chan yelled as he spin the empty bottle, rotating for a couple of times before it stopped on Chan. The elder cheered.

"Hyung, truth or dare?" JeongIn smiled at him. Chans' eyes widen a little but kept himself calm.

"Dare". Chan smiled back at the younger. JeongIn giggled after.

"I dare you to.......be my slave for the rest of the game". JeongIn then cutely smirk at Chan. Chan did a fake pout and answered okay at the end.

"Oohh, you're under JeongIn now". ChangBin teased. Chan stuck out his tongue to ChangBin.

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