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Chan was raising his eyebrows while his hands are on his waist, as if like he's a strict mom about to nag his sons who committed a big sin.

"U-uhmm, i- Felix an- ah me-" HyunJin was stuttering but Chan cut him off.

"I thought you're gonna stay away from Lix?" Chan furrowed his eyebrow. As well as Felix. He looked at the taller beside him.

"What? What do you mean?" Felix was looking back and forth between Chan and HyunJin, waiting for an explanation. HyunJin took a deep breath before he started speaking.

"I told Chan about everything that happened this week". HyunJin looked at Felix. There's no more intending of hiding it anymore. It's only Chan who could hear them anyways since the other guys are all wasted and snoring on the floor.

"What everything?" Felix asked again as he looked at the taller.

"About that night, when you were harassed and HyunJin saw you and saved you." Chan was the one to initiate to answer. Felixs' eyes slightly widen. "And also when you took out your burden and grief on HyunJin, he also told me that. When he's doing uncomfortable things on you, he also admit that to me." Chan then crossed his arms on his chest. Felix couldn't talk back, nor HyunJin. They just remain silent since they couldn't think of an answer back on Chan.

"I noticed that HyunJin was ignoring you, that's why I asked him. I thought that it was just a little petty fight between you two but you have been ignoring each other for a week and it concerned me, since we also talked about that you two will try to be friends with each other, i thought you two were doing well, but then I finally found out the answer." Chan spoke again as he noticed the long silence lingering the room. "So now....what made you two got to do it again, huh? And you HyunJin, you said that you're stay away from Felix, why the fuck you two are together ag-"

"Chan stop!" Felix slightly yelled, putting his palms in front of Chan, preventing him from talking even further. "I-i....uhm..yeah...i said that i was uncomfortable to what he was doing. But that was before. I was also got too sensitive and emotional at that day from total shock. Suddenly, i just felt like I want to explode and let out my grudge on him." Felix stopped for a while to catch his breath. Then he continued to speak. "When he ignored me, i thought that finally, everything would be okay, i thought i would be okay. But the total opposite happened. I just missed him even more. That's why i tried to have a word with him, but he ignores and avoid me, and that annoyed me a lot. So i took this day as an opportunity to talk to him again.... because I......" Felix explained and he looked HyunJin through his eyes. HyunJin felt like he could melt from staring those shining eyes. "I missed him." That word, that 3 simple words, but it meant a lot on HyunJin. It made his heart swell. He was deeply touched by his explanation. Felix looked at Chan again who's expression is unexplainable. He is still mad yet confuse yet happy yet satisfied??? He doesn't know what exactly to feel. He just took a deep breath before looking at the two guys in front of him with caring look.

"Okay... I'm glad I got to hear your side as well, Mate. It's just that....i don't want HyunJins' actions towards you be tolerated by the others. That's a big no no for me. But since you said that you're fine with it now, and obviously you even did the 'devils tango' again, I'm just gonna let you do whatever you want. Just be responsible at your actions 'cause your relationship right now is so complicated." He lectured the two and they just gave a smile to Chan. They're thankful that Chan has a broad mindset and is really an understanding man.

"Now, stop standing there and help me fix these messy snoring guys". Chan smirked and cackled. The two guys laughed as well as they tried to carry the guys to some of Chans' available rooms. Chan brought Minho and JiSung and put them inside his parent's room. Then he carried JeongIn and brought him in his room. (Don't y'all worry, Chan won't do anything to the boy. He'll sleep on the couch). HyunJin brought SeungMin to one of Chans' siblings room. Felix scowl at the taller. Why does he need to treat Seungmin in special way?

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