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Felix sighed and snuggled closer from where the source of warmth is coming from. His lips unconsciously stretching into a smile. Felixs' eyes are still close and so his other senses are more sensitive and alert at the moment. Then, he felt a pair of arms and legs clasped on his body, wrapping him in a protective manner. A hot breath of air fanning on his nape and a little snores coming out from behind him.

Wait......but... wasn't he....alone?

Felix flipped himself over to see what's the cause of the odd feelings and sensation from his behind. Rubbing his eyes open, he saw a peaceful, calm, handsome face of....


The mentioned man slowly opened his eyes, and was soon follow by a yawn and a little smile at the end. "Good morning, Baby". HyunJin uttered.

Felixs' eyes widened. How was he here?? Felix touched that mans' face to see if he was dreaming. The pads of his fingers dipped on Hyunjins' cheeks.

"H-How are you-"

"Hmm? What's the problem? Aren't you happy to see me here?" HyunJin grew worried and pouted his lips, hands are travelling to touch Felixs' face. The Aussie was shocked. He could legitimately feel HyunJins' touch in his skin!

"B-but yesterday-"

"What's with yesterday?" HyunJin creased his forehead. And that made Felix dumbfounded.

"Y-yesterday...me....you.....we ended-"

"Shhh". HyunJin put his finger on Felixs' lip, halting the younger from blabbering things. "You were having a nightmare, baby. I heard you whimpering and crying earlier." HyunJins' thumb went to wipe something under Felixs' eye. Probably a tear escaped when he was asleep.

Felix was still in daze. Face are puzzled and his head couldn't wrap the things occuring.

"But.......it all felt like real....Y-you- I've broke your h-heart. I l-left you alone. W-we were c-c-crying and I-i I-"

"Baby, shhh. It's alright. None of those happened. You were dreaming. It was a nightmare. I'm here now, okay?" HyunJin gave the younger a comforting smile as he pulled him into a warm embrace, calming Felixs' racing heart.

The Aussie was still confused but decided to believe HyunJin. It was all a dream? None of those happened? Then.......

"H-HyunJin?" Felix muttered.

"Yes, baby?"

"What are we?" Felix looked at HyunJin, pulling his body away from Hyunjins' arms to clearly look at the elder. The elder just giggled and went on top of him, hovering him. HyunJin didn't gave him an answer and instead, he just placed his lips on top of Felixs' soft ones, kissing them carefully. The Aussie sighed from the warm feeling. HyunJin tilted his head and take their kiss on the next step, finally including the tongue. Felix moaned from delight, his hands are gripping Hyunjins' arms from the sensation. Felix felt HyunJin smirking from their kiss and soon, Hyunjins' mouth are sliding down to his neck, littering his neck with kisses and soft suck.

It was all pleasurable. A warm, fuzzy feeling enveloped him from that sweet kiss HyunJin was giving to him. It was all making him protected and it all felt so right. So fit. So perfect.

But perfection is close to impossible, they say.

Felix then felt a pressure growing on his neck. His chest was rising hardly after a few seconds, finding it difficult to breath. And that's when he realized....

𝘐𝘕 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 ~|HYUNLIX|~Where stories live. Discover now