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Warning ⚠️: Mature content

TW ⚠️:  Sexual Assault/Attempted rape, (you can skip if you want to. I'll put markings when will it start and end)
Peter is really an asshole and damn possessive and delusional I'm gonna lock him up in jail.

This chapter is mostly MinSung so.....yeah.

All the boys rapidly rushed out of their beds as they received the call from Minho, begging for an immediate help. Hissing under their breaths, their sleepy ass head vanished in a struck of lightning from the anxiousness building up inside their chest.

No. Not that demon coming back from the underground.

They quickened their movements and got out of their houses to rush onto Minhos', hoping to save Minho immediately.

"Chan! Where the hell is your car key!?" HyunJin spoke fast, his internal system is panicking as he continuously tapped his feet nervously on the floor.

"Fucking wait! It's just here in my drawer! Fuck fuck fuck NOT NOW! FUCKING SHOW YOURSELF!" Chan released his frustration on kicking his drawer when he still couldn't caught the familiar figure of his car key. HyunJin, getting out of his patience, went inside the room as well to help Chan look for his car key. And as HyunJin pulled the door, he saw the key dangling at the rack, placed behind the door. HyunJin grunted.

"Of course you wouldn't find your fucking keys in there, Chan. IT'S IN HERE! WHAT THE FUCK!? DON'T YOU KNOW WHERE YOU PLACE YOUR OWN KEYS!?" HyunJin raised the keys and exposed it to Chan, the elder just cursed.

"I'm panicking, okay? Just give me that. We'll gotta go." Chan raid in a rush pace, HyunJin threw him the keys and the elder catched it skillfully, feet are sprinting faster that is almost considered as running. They got to Chans' car, swiftly slipping themselves inside and Chan started the engine, stepping on the gas hard, not caring if he exceed from the proper speed limit.

The demon has awoke.

And he might cause chaos again and worse, he might overtake Jisung as the host of his body if they wouldn't get to knock Peter out once more.

"Is MinHo hyung okay?" HyunJin was fumbling on his phone.

"Try to call him again".

HyunJin did as what told, dialing Minhos' number and waited for the elder to respond.

"The number you have dialed is unattended or out of coverage area. Please try and call later".

HyunJin groaned when Minho wasn't answering any of his calls, getting nervous than ever.

"Fuck, he is not picking the call up!!".

"Just call him again! Fuck fuck Jisung, please wake up from that evil". Chan muttered in his breath, brows are knitted from worry with his foot stepping even further to the pedal to reach Minhos' house as fast as possible, praying that Minho is still safe and away from Peter.



"Don't piss me even more, jagi. You don't want me to get even more mad, do you?"

"Jagi, I'm going to kick this door until it breaks if you won't get out of that damn room!!".

"Babe, jagi please? Come out of the bathroom now. Jisung just want to talk to you".

"Minho, don't make me repeat myself. You get out of there or I'll get you by myself?"

That and many more attempts of words of Peter trying to convince and force Minho to get out of the bathroom where he is hiding at the moment. He was crying but he tried to muffle his sobs by putting his hands on top of his mouth. It feels like he's almost inside a horror movie with a serial killer waiting for him outside to kill him piece by piece. Minho was shaking badly, getting his phone once more to type messages to his friend.

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