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Tags/TW ⚠️: mixed of Degrading and Praising, mention of Dom/sub space, mouth fucking, spanking(just minor spanking), rimming, overstimulation, multiple rounds, multiple orgasm, creampie


"Oh come on. I think you all can do better than that!"


"If I'm the customer walking into the mall, for fuck's sake i will just pass by and ignore that horrendous shirt design".

"Okay, I'll get there later. Just call me again. I'm pretty busy here".

"Do you all want me to die from stress? Fucking do your jobs well or I'll fire you all!"

Felix slumped his ass on his swivel chair as he finally arrived in his quiet office, harshly loosening the tie that as if choking him from the tightness of it. The CEO of the well known clothing company in Australia groaned from huge stress enveloping his head.

The said Aussie knew that once he'll take this job from his aunties, he know he'll face various types of stress because it's normal in work but he didn't think it will be This is not what Felix signed up for when he first agreed to Auntie Jinris' offer. He feel like he'll die sooner or later from this migraine he's suffering at the moment.

2 years ago, Felix was just enjoying his time alone with his boyfriend, HyunJin. Just the two of them in Seoul and casually hanging out with their friends every thrice in a week. The only stress Felix needed to deal with when he was still a student were the presentations and projects he needed to pass on time. But now that he's graduated and already has a responsibility in their family company, the stress he's having now is 10x more horrible than when he still was a student.

And hell fucking fuck because he couldn't spend more time with HyunJin right now because he's super busy for this upcoming launch they'll be having in the next two weeks! NEXT TWO WEEKS and the sample canvas and sketches that were given to him are fucking trash! (Yes, Felix is now living in Australia for the sake of his work. Sad to say, he still needed to leave and say goodbye to his friends because Felix have to commit to his responsibility. After all, atleast he still have HyunJin with him here in Sydney. They are currently living at this new house Felix bought for them two a year ago. He couldn't take living any longer from his aunties' household because dammit, he wanna scream his lungs out whenever him and HyunJin will have sex but he cannot do it because his aunties will hear his lewd screams! And that would just be totally embarrassing.)

He didn't think he'll hire imbecile workers in his company. The last thing he know is this company of his has high standards from accepting applicants cause he want only the best of the best quality and design for their clothing line but what the fuck are these models that were given to him by his designers? HyunJin could draw much better design than all of them.

No one could give him fresh ideas. Nothing gives him innovative thoughts. The presentation presented to him are just recycled from, take note, OTHER CLOTHING LINES! FUCKING ABSOLUTE HELL!

"DAD! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" Felix asked the ceiling as if he could really converse with his passed away father. "YOUR SON DID NOT FUCKING SIGN UP FOR THIS! WHAT I WANT FOR MYSELF EVER SINCE IS TO ESTABLISH A BAKERY BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE BAKING! NOT THIS SHIT! GOD!!" Felix picked up the innocent scotch tape placed on top of his table and forcefully threw it away out of so much anger. His room is soundproof so the workers will not hear his complains.

𝘐𝘕 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 ~|HYUNLIX|~Where stories live. Discover now