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(I'll.......just see for yourself....)

~{December 15, 2023. Friday}~

"Are you sure you fine with this rum? This has pretty high amount of alcohol content. We can just get this back." HyunJin asked with an evident worry lacing on his voice as he scanned the bottle of rum given to them, reading the labels and whatever important texts printed in it.

"Welp, that's the only thing we have now, the lady said. Let's just......drink that slowly, i guess??" Felix chuckled, holding tight the shot glass in his hand as they walked back together to Hyunjins' room.

Where the place of their conversation will be held.

Pretty sus for a location site but......Felix has some little alcohol in him already, so he couldn't careless anymore.

"Yeah. Let's just be responsible." HyunJin nodded, slightly pouting and feeling guilty about the liquor they got.

It's not like he's planning to get Felix drunk and do something to him.....but that's how it shows at the moment.

"HyunJin?" The younger then called.

"Yeah?" HyunJin snapped his head to the smaller beside him, walking a little slower than usual. HyunJin's not sure whether if it was because Felix was nervous to come in the room just yet or if he's just having fun, feeling the night for himself.

"I'm...... sorry. Sorry for ignoring you yesterday and earlier this day. I was just......i didn't know why you were.....i were....i was just confused at what happened that morning". Felix dropped his head low when that memory came up again, silently blushing from it.

"It's alright. I'm glad you're much better after. Somehow..... do you remember what happened that night?" Out of anxiousness, HyunJin caught his lower lip in between his front teeth, nail from his thumb are grazing on the glass bottle of the rum as anticipation consumed him.

"Me? Well-....... honestly i-"


"Oh God, s-shit. You're doing- FUCK!- great".

"M-my legs are getting numb, h-hyung. C-can't".

"Alright. I'll help you, you poor thing".

Felix and HyunJin exchanged looks, both foreheads are creased widely as they did some telepathy on to each other. They're now standing in front of the cottage...

exactly where Hyunjins' room is.

What the-

"This is your room, right Jin?" Felix asked.

"Y-yeah". HyunJin trembled.

Felix got his hands on the knob of the door to find out where the source of that lewd noises are coming from.

And as Felix opened the door, he felt like his poor dear soul left out his body......

when he saw......

"WHAT THE FUCK?" The guys inside the room screamed, immediately covering themselves under the blanket.



"Fuck, I'm so sorry Bestie. S-Sorry Minho hyung. I-i....w-we thought this was HyunJins' room. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. We're really sorry". Felix immediately rushed out of the room, slamming it close with his face are now covered with red from shame. He then looked at HyunJin and noticed that the elder was chuckling.

𝘐𝘕 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 ~|HYUNLIX|~Where stories live. Discover now