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"Uhm..... you're still in dance club, i suppose. Since, you're showering yourself with your own sweat when i saw you". Felix spat, guessing as HyunJin went back to the passenger seat with new piece of clothing on his top.

"Yeah. I'm still. Actually.....i was planning to leave the club but.....it is the only thing that makes me happy in this world. I couldn't afford anymore losing the only thing that keeps me up in every single day. Other than.....SeungMin..and you guys, of course". Little breathy laughs escaped from Hyunjins' mouth, hugging his bag closer to his chest.

"Hmm......you won that competition, right?" Felix side glanced at HyunJin, he didn't mention what type of competition but HyunJin already get what Felix meant.

"Yep. I did. Though, there were a lot of dancers that are really amazing as well but, Sexy Prince Hwang HyunJin still managed to get home the bacon". HyunJin smirked, the two of them snickered softly after that lowkey brag HyunJin pulled.

"I knew you will win that." Felix replied, his hands tapping furiously on the steering wheel as silence engulfed the two of them.

But HyunJin didn't make it last.

"That day........did you......come to see me perform?" HyunJin took the chance to ask Felix this question that has been bugging him ever since that day he felt Felixs' presence inside the auditorium, and he's still motivated to know the real answer. And he wanna hear the truth come from Felixs' mouth itself.

"I did. Yet i watched you in the dark so no one would recognize me. And i enjoyed your performance a lot. You were......you were absolutely stunning in that outfit of yours. You totally looked like a legit Prince." There's no reason for Felix to lie or hide anymore. He did it and it's been a year since that event. I think HyunJin deserves to know the truth despite of him, leaving HyunJin alone and avoided him, he still fulfilled his promise to him that he'll watch the performance, no matter what.

"T-Thanks....." HyunJin fidgeted on the hem of his shirt from the compliment, flustered once again. "So my intuition and sense was correct all this time".

"What?" Felix got confused at Hyunjins' statement.

"That day...i felt your presence as I was in the middle of performing. And your presence gave me energy and motivation that time to perform better. I was happy that i was perceived on your presence but i didn't totally believe that you were there since i didn't physically saw your image. Even if i saw that you've read my texts for you. I didn't believe myself because that might be an embarrassing flop theory. But now... I'm glad that it wasn't". HyunJin got his lips pursed thinly. He was really scared to believe that Felix went to the auditorium but he felt relieved that Felix actually did. That made him....... satisfied.....in some ways.

"I......you know that i don't make promises because I'm scared of that word and i'm always unsure to make a promise to somebody.... but once I did, i will do anything to fulfill it. I promised to see you perform, and i kept my promise".

After Felix said those words, the whole drive became silent once again. HyunJin want to say more things but if he tried to open his mouth once, it will only lead to them talking about their past.

And Felix might be uncomfortable with it, as for HyunJins' view, so he just shut his mouth.

"We're here". Felix announced after a couple of minutes of long, silent drive, parking his car skillfully in his garage. HyunJin pushed the car door open and slid himself out, eyes are wandering at the unfamiliar place he's at. From the outside, the house is really much smaller compare to Felixs' old house. Still a two storey and the colors are a bit darker, but still comfortable to look at. He let Felix walked ahead first while he's just standing behind the younger, waiting for him as he tagged along everywhere Felix will bring his feet.

𝘐𝘕 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 ~|HYUNLIX|~Where stories live. Discover now