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-This chapter includes DDLB(Daddy Dom Little Boy)-

"You........like me?"

"H-Hyung I-........ I'm sorry". Jeongin burst out in tears. Sobbing from embarrasment and from getting caught in act.

"Why are you sorry? You don't have to apologize, innie". Chan hurried to the younger and embraced him with a tight, warm hug. "Why didn't you tell me you like me?"

"B-because i......i-i'm scared. S-scared that y-you'll rej-reject me. I'm s-scared that y-you find me u-ugly. I-I'm scared that my feelings f-for you will left u-unrequited". Jeongin pushed his head on the elders' neck, crying his lungs out and letting all his bottled up emotions he's been keeping for long ass years flow out. His hug gotten tight on Chan, scared that the elder might push him away after hearing all the confession he said. But none of that happened. Instead, he just felt a warm feeling wrapping around his body in a protective manner.

"You know, you don't have to be scared. Because I will never reject you. I will never find you ugly and i never did find you ugly. You're the most adorable and prettiest person i've ever met in my whole damn life, Innie. And your feelings will never ever be unrequited because........i like you so damn fucking much, Innie."

Jeongins' eyes blown wide. He slowly pulled away from their hug to see Chan if he was lying or is he playing something in him. He looked at Chans' eyes and see nothing other than........ sincerity. Pureness. Love.

"H-hyung..........since when?"

"Since highschool." Chan grinned sweetly.

"But I'm so ugly when I was in highschool. How come you would like someone so fat and ugly?" Jeongin tilted his head, wiping all the tears streaming from his eyes. Chan shook his head.

"I fell in love with you. You. All of you, Innie. Physical appearance and personality, i fell for it. And don't call yourself ugly when I don't even found you like one. Never ever did, Innie. You're so adorable and cute and i loved pinching your chubby cheeks and your little fats before." Chan giggled as his fingers went to pinch Jeongins' cheeks.

"R-really????" Jeongin pouted.

"I do. I swear, Innie. Braces, without braces. Fats, without fats, pimples, without pimples, my love wouldn't change for you." Chans' hands then went to caress Jeongins' wet cheeks, rubbing them tears off from the youngers' face. "Yang Jeongin, do you know how much I was scared as well to admit my feelings for you? I was absolutely terrified that....... you'll be disgusted at me because, fucking hell I'm so insecure at our age gap. I'm terrified that if I confess to you, you'll just reject me and leave me heartbroken, and worse, will ignore me to death. I'm terrified that you will treat me differently after and don't see me as your Channie hyung anymore. You know I can afford not being your lover but i can't afford loosing friendship with you". A tear started to form in Chans' eyes just from thinking his thoughts coming true, but Jeongin was disapproving all those as he cupped Chans' face back.

"Hyung..........why would our age gap be hindrance to our love? I was never ever been disgusted by it and i never thought of it to be the reason not to love you. Oh God, we're just one terrified emotion dressed up as a human." Jeongin still manage to pull a joke despite of them almost breaking down at the moment. "But hyung, since we're already here and we're already talking about this, I'm gonna take advantage of the moment and ask you these questions I wanna ask you for a very, very long time already." Jeongins' hands slid down to hold Chans' hands, the same way how couples hold each other hands when they're giving vows to each other in their weddings.

"Bang Christopher Chan, my Channie hyung, will you be the person i could rely on when I'm having bad days? Will you be the person that I'll see every single morning i will wake up? Will you be the person i could share my happy and sad days with? And lastly, Will you stop seeing me as your baby maknae and be your lover instead?"

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