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-This chapter includes DDLB(Daddy Dom Little Boy)-

Felixs' room was covered with loud silence as the two sat on Felixs' bed, nobody's intending to move nor talk. HyunJin was looking at Felix with a worried eyes as Felix was still looking blankly at the void. HyunJin sighed. He stood up from the bed and was planning to head straight to the kitchen to get them glasses of water but when Felix felt the dip on the other side of the bed was gone, his eyes grew wide in fear as he looked at HyunJin with almost teary eyes. He constantly pulled HyunJin to him and hugged his waist tight.

"D-Don't l-leave me, Hyun-HyunJin, please. D-D-Don't leave me al-alone". Felix hiccuped as he tried to speak straight, but talking became a difficult task for him when he's sobbing badly. His mind felt like he's still in the scene and the smug face of the asshole was replaying in his head.

HyunJin turned to Felix and knelt down, leveling Felixs' face to his. He tried to cup Felixs' face but the younger flinched just from the little touch. HyunJin just put his hand to the side as he looked at Felixs' eyes.

"Baby, i will only go to your kitchen to grab some water. Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it". HyunJin let out a smile to the blonde but Felix aren't letting him get out of his sight, shaking his head no aggressively.

"N-no! If you-if you'll l-leave me, h-he'll go b-back to m-me and ha-harass me". The younger blubbered as he kept moving his head side to side. HyunJin badly want to touch Felix but the smaller was still in deep trauma and any simple touches will only make him scared and that's the last thing HyunJin want to do to Felix right now.

"YongBok, listen to me please". As the elder called Felix to his real name, he felt like his tears stopped and his lungs suddenly got filled with oxygen and his breathing circulated even better. His eyes went to Hyunjins' tired eyes but still look dazzling as how HyunJin look at him while they're alone. The care in it. The worry. Felix can feel it just by looking those eyes.

And the name......when was the last time Hyunjin called him YongBok? It's been so long. It felt like eternity. But hearing it now slipping from the elders' mouth, it felt like he went back to his senses. It's like HyunJin pulled him away to his nightmares. His bestfriend. His happy pill.

"HyunJin. My bwest fwiend. My pwotectowr." Felix mumbled when he stare at Hyunjins' orbs and for a split second, he saw the old HyunJin there. The five year old HyunJin. Felix went for a tight hug on the elder and cling his arms and legs around Hyunjins' body, not letting him go in any chance. "HyunJin, you came bwack fowr bokkie, wight? You wiwll pwotect bokkie fwom now on, wight?" Felix giddily asked, confusingly with high pitch voice. And that's when HyunJin realized.

Felix slipped in his little space. His safe, little space. And this time, the younger wasn't shitting on him. He really did slip in another headspace.

(A/N: This is what happens when people got so stressed up on something or when they want to escape pain and the real world, people tend to slip in their little space to divert their attention).

HyunJin tried for one last time if he could touch Felix again and hug him back because for sure, little Felix will get confused if he won't hug the blonde back. So HyunJin slowly getting his arms closer around Felixs' frames, sensing if the younger might wouldn't like the skinship but to his luck, Felix just giggled when Hyunjins' arms and hands finally draped around his small figure.

"Yeah. HyunJin is here now for Bokkie. He will never leave Bokkies' side. Ever." HyunJins' soft voice are almost like a lullaby for Bokkie. He smiled widely as he rest his head on Hyunjins' shoulders, his grasp on the elder got tighter as if he just saw HyunJin again for the first time. But since Felix is currently as Bokkie, his mind would thought that they just saw each other again after 16 years of being apart.

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