Beginning of the dreams

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Hero felt like he was lucid dreaming. He hasn’t had a lucid dream since he was a child so it was off-putting, to say the least. He looked down at his hands to see he was holding a pair of cards. It was an awful hand, Hero could tell that with a look. He noticed Kel was sitting in front of him, staring at his cards as well. Aubrey sat nearby, holding her cards to her chest as if to hide them.

They all looked weird. Hero was wearing what looked like striped pajamas to him. Kel wore this weird shirt that looked like a bunch of colorful squares were shining on it. Aubrey had on what looked to be a nightgown and a blue-purplish bow on her head.

They even had items Hero could tell belonged to them nearby. A purple doll that for the life of Hero he couldn’t remember the name of. Kel was sitting next to a strange colored ball while Hero had a spatula. He had to wonder why any of them were going to need these items but decided to just roll with it.

Honestly, this gave him a nostalgic feeling. Everything felt like it was real, even though that their surroundings were colorful. It honestly looked like something out of a fever dream than his normal dreams with the colors everywhere, not like he was complaining though.

“Hey, I know this question is going to sound weird but where are we?” Kel randomly spoke up.

“I was wondering that as well,” Aubrey muttered.

“Oh, so we’re all just randomly playing cards not knowing how we got here?” Hero spoke up with a tiny laugh.

“Guess so…?” Kel trailed off, something suddenly felt wrong. It was as if they weren’t meant to be self-aware of their surroundings.

Suddenly a white door on the other side of the room opened up to reveal a face Hero hasn’t seen in a long time, he could barely remember what they looked like. Though unlike Aubrey and Kel, who looked like younger versions of themselves, the person who walked out was black and white with a dead facial expression.

“Um, hello?” Hero decided to try to talk to the familiar face, he, for some reason could not remember their name.

The child waved back and proceeded to sit down next to them, not uttering a word.

He seemed interested in what the group where doing, looking at the cards in their hands.

“W-we were getting bored of cards, we should head out and explore.” Kel awkwardly got up, not wanting to be near the boy. For some reason, he

Everyone followed Kel and got up. The child however began walking away and up some stairs with a snake laying on it.

“Ssssssss (Ḩ̴̭̝̲̿̅̾̾̓͑̚e̸̡̞̓͆̇̍ḁ̸̥̰̞͕͈̺̓͛̆̉͒͝d̵̡̟̘̋̑͒i̵͇̼̜̳͐̈́̏̕͘n̶͚͓̯̼͓̙̈́ḡ̶̛͈̏͒͛ ̴̨̢͚͕̟̙͋͌̿͊̕͝͝o̷̭̖̬̣̝̗͔̓u̵̢̮̗̟̫̹̔̽̃͛̓̀͒ͅt̸͍̾̒,̴̡̧̟̳̤͍̜͊̆͗̏̚ ̶̛͎̙̖̮̮̲̑̐̋̄͝O̸͙̤̯͗̇̔̆̕͠͝ͅm̵̬͌o̸̺̣͍͐͋͌̿͝ͅr̷̛̭̮͑͂͐̅͒i̷̛̛͚̞̺͈̅̈́̆͘?̶̡̛̛͓̮̖̣̞͐̆͂̑̚)” The snake spoke but no one understood.

Well everyone except the boy didn’t understand as the snake spoke to him a bit more before handing him 50...clams? Hero wasn’t going to question it, dreams were weird like that.

He climbed out and watched as the others did as well. Aubrey somehow managed to get stuck while climbing out and Kel proceeded to laugh at her.

“Kel! Stop laughing and help me!” Aubrey shouted.

Kel, still laughing, walked over and grabbed Aubrey’s hand before pulling her up. “Took ya long enough!”

“Gee sorry, not my fault you got stuck.” Kel stuck out his tongue.

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