We've sunk. I couldn't save you. I'm sorry...my best friend.

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Aubrey already hated this room. The noise of the phone ringing didn’t help with the disturbing imagery. The floor was covered in chalk marks, making tallies on the ground along with giant clocks that could be heard ticking. Omori walked over to the phone and picked it up, finally silencing the ringing.

“Sunny, we’re moving away.” his mother spoke on the other side.

The phone hung up.

Omori placed the phone down calmly and looked towards one of the beds. Stranger sat calmly, watching them walk forward.

“For so long, you kept the truth shut out. But something made it slip. The hole that it made...it won’t stop spreading until you find the root of it all. The one who has seen the truth is here. Watching. He wishes for it to be revealed but accepts that it would never happen. Why can’t you lead yourself to it?”

He disappeared.

A shiver grabbed a hold of Aubrey. She didn’t like what Stranger said at all. Basil doesn’t think the truth will ever be revealed and Sunny doesn’t know it. Every time she thinks about what it could be her mind draws to a blank. She wishes they could just find it already so Sunny and Basil didn’t have to suffer.

Omori grabbed the key and the red hands brought them back to Black Space.

“We’re almost finished! Just two more rooms left!” Kel pointed out.

He was right. Just two more rooms until this nightmare was over.

Just two more rooms...they could do this.

She took a deep breath and they walked to the next door. She gave up trying to mentally prepare herself for the rooms, they always break what she expects anyway.

She walked in and the smell of metal filled her nose. She looked around to see there were once again bodies clipped into the floor like a broken video game. Dead trees and plants surrounded the area and in walls were the dream world versions of themselves. On top of those walls were pools filled with blood that also had dream-world versions of themselves swimming endlessly back and forth.

Walking a bit around they also spotted little bits of black goop on the ground with a singular eye poking out. She felt her rage build but not enough to make her lash out. She hated this weird emotional thing…

She wondered if Basil felt any weird emotions as well. He probably did but he just couldn’t act on them. She finds it stupid that he can’t speak.

Oh well, if they manage to not find the truth after going through all of this then they could just ask Basil what it is in the morning. Sunny’s brain can’t control them in the real world.

...Or could he?

That’s a scary thought.

She shook the thought out of her head. Even if Sunny could, she doubts he would.

The key was grabbed and the hands appeared once again, teleporting them back to Black Space.

One door.

The last one.

She felt antsy. She just wanted to run through it and get the key and leave.

She knew better though.

Aubrey looked at the others whose faces were covered with determination. They were going to do this.

Omori opened the door.

They were back in the beginning room. The purple sky was shining brightly and the trees looked healthy. Everything looked fine.

That was...unusual. Perhaps they finally got out? That would make sense.

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