Sprout Mole Village pt 2

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The group proceeded to walk out of the giant door only for them to realize that it wasn’t just the stage that ran out of power but the whole village.

The group climbed down the ladder only to spot Mari who was holding a mini flashlight in her hands, “Hey, Hero! Catch!”

Hero quickly put up his hand in time to catch the flashlight. It was small but it could help them find their way around quicker.

Well, as fast as they could go exploring. This place was huge with sprout moles speaking gibberish on how the power outage was affecting them. Climbing up and down ladders is starting to become Hero’s worst nightmare. His legs felt like they were going to fall off his body any second. Not to mention there was always something weird in each room. Though through all of this he found out one thing.

Sprout moles really like tofu, there is a lot of it laying around.

In one of the rooms, there was a wire popping out of the ground. Omori stared at the wire as if he was deciding if he wanted to cut it or not.

“Cut it, cut it, cut it!” Kel chanted like an intrusive thought. Omori looked at him and nodded, agreeing that he should cut it.

“Guys come on we don’t even know if it is connected to the power or-”

Aubrey was cut off by a sudden thud that rang out as soon as Omori cut the wire. A creature that was below them screamed in pure agony before dying.


Kel and Omori both high-fived each other as Kel laughed.

Hero was just glad that the wire didn’t relate to the power situation at all.

The group began climbing down more ladders until they eventually reached what they assumed to be the lowest floor. The sounds of tapping feet hitting metal as sprout moles ran on multiple treadmills.

“Pick up the pace, boys! We must make haste!” The warden mole shouted at the others.

“We’re trying our best warden!” Another sprout mole shouted.

“Yeah, this is as fast as we can go!” A sprout mole agreed.

“Ugh, I feel sick…” A groan rang out.

“Come on guys, we can do this!” Someone tried to encourage.

Hero felt bad for the dudes. If this is how they got their power then this must be torture for the ones running.

Omori seemed to care less for the sprout moles and was instead interested in his own reflection. Hero had to wonder why, maybe Omori just liked to see how he looks? Or is there a different reason? Whatever the reason, however, Hero still made his way over to the mirror with the others and stood behind Omori. Hero simply patted his head this time.

Omori seemed to flinch at the touch but then began to lean into it. That was until he abruptly pulled himself away from Hero’s hand and continued forward as if he felt embarrassed for having Hero pet him.

Hero only sighed in response. He should have seen that coming.

There were four treadmills lined up on the ground with no one running on them. There was also a socket with an unplugged plug laying nearby.

“Well, I guess we found the problem…” Hero muttered. He jumped up on the platform and tried to pick up the plug to no avail, “Hey Kel, do you think you can help me out?” Hero asked.

“Sure!” Kel jumped up next and with the brother’s combined strength they were able to plug in the lights.

“What did I say, moles? Hard work pays off!” The warden chuckled, not noticing Hero and Kel awkwardly standing nearby.

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