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The place was barely silent as the group stood in the middle of the room. The only sounds that could be heard were their breathing and the sound of people walking, despite the room being empty minus them.

"So, how should we go about this?" Aubrey asked Hero, hoping he had an idea of what to do.

"We should stick together. If more...creatures like the one we saw outside are here we should be with each other." Hero stated.

"Y-Yeah, that would probably be for the best..." Kel nodded, still shaken up from what happened.

Omori made the motion for the group to follow him as he walked to a door on their right. Once the group was behind them he grabbed the knob and twisted it, opening the door to be greeted by a bright yet not blinding light.

Walking in, the door shut behind them and disappeared, leaving them in a room with a floor that looked like TV static. Random flowers were growing out of the ground but instead of having petals, they had a black cat's head. Stranger was in the room as well, standing in front of what looked like a dead realistic whale.

He turned towards them, "These rooms are filled with broken things. Discarded thoughts and feelings if you will...but at least in here I can see who you really are."

He looked back to the whale, "The world you created above...did you make that one to protect this place or hide it away? Either way, it has become more powerful than you, Dreamer."

He then faded away as if he was never there.

On the ground were blue footsteps, leading them to where they had to go. Though, instead of staying on the path Omori completely ignored it. He began walking in a different direction and the others ran to catch up with him.

The room was horrifying and Hero was trying to not pay attention to how it looks but it was kind of hard to do that as Omori stopped to stare at a giant goopy version of himself that had no face. Kel managed to find a giant monster with a bunch of melted heads in it. It didn't try to attack them, only floated above them. Watching them with their pupil-less eyes.

"WELL GEE THAT SURE ISN'T TERRIFYING AT ALL!" Kel yelled as he continued to stare at it.

"Look for something important! I don't want that thing chasing us if it gains sentience!" Aubrey shouted at him.

"Alright! Alright! I'll keep looking!" Kel sighed as he continued to look around.

Walking down a bit more there was a drawn windowsill that had another black and white key in front of it. Omori picked it up and looked around. At first, it looked like nothing had happened and Hero let out a sigh. Maybe they needed to find the exit?

"What's that?" Aubrey suddenly spoke, breaking Hero out of his thoughts.

There was a white and red hand floating aimlessly around before it turned in their direction. It suddenly perked up like it sensed something and charged at them.

"Run!" Kel shouted as he began to book it. Hero and Aubrey began running as well until they realized Omori was standing completely still as if the hand wouldn't hurt him.

"Omori! Run!" Aubrey shouted.

Omori only walked to the hand, allowing it to grab him before he disappeared into thin air.

"What the-!?" were the only words Kel got out before the red hand touched him as well.

Now it was just Hero and Aubrey, both running for their lives as it chased them. Unfortunately for them, there were more hands than just that one and it only took a few moments before they were grabbed as well.

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