A bad idea is born

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They left the treehouse with Sunny fiddling with the key in his hands. Kel knows about the toy box but he never could have guessed that it was part of the truth they’re looking for, though he should have been able to guess that it was since Sunny didn’t remember it. It should be in Sunny’s closet but they have one problem.

Sunny doesn’t remember owning a closet so there is no closet.

Leave it to Sunny’s memory issues to be the biggest obstacle in their way. Though that’s just their luck.

Walking back inside they put the photo into the album, completing it. Sunny held it close to him, probably to make sure he didn’t lose it.

“Hey, I have a question. Sunny, why do you have Basil’s Photo Album?” Aubrey asked.

“Oh. He gave it to me saying that I could probably use it more than him, though I don’t really know what he means by that….” Sunny looked down at the album, “Honestly, I thought he already knew I was going to be moving away by the way he was acting.”

“Huh, that’s strange,” Hero rubbed his chin, “I mean, he would have probably given you the photo album if he knew you were moving but the fact that he decided to give it to you unprompted….”

“I agree, that doesn’t sound like something he would do at all.” Kel nodded.

“Do you think he would be home by now?” Aubrey asked.

“He might be. We should go check.” Hero stated.

Everyone agreed with him.

Something was going on with Basil and it wasn’t anything good.


Polly’s car stopped in the driveway and Basil hopped out, his eyes were red from crying and his nose was dripping snot. He looked like an absolute wreck.

“I’m...I’m going to be in my room.” He looked over to Polly who gave him an understanding look.

He walked inside and looked at his gardening shears on the ground. He picked them up and carried them into his room.

He sat on his bed, staring at the tool in his hand. He could end it all. Right here, right now.

He’s been planning this for a while. He gave Sunny his album for a reason. Someone deserved to hold on to it. Perhaps he should have let Aubrey keep it, for he is sure that Sunny would join him shortly after leaves.

They both have a secret to keep after all.

He wonders how the others would feel when he leaves.

Polly would mourn him to most, wondering why she couldn’t save him. His parents would pay for his funeral and never show up. Why would they show up if they didn’t care about him? All they do is work and work. Basil can’t even remember what they look like.

Kel and Hero would probably be upset that he died but they would get over it. They would manage, probably living on for Sally’s sake.

Aubrey probably wouldn’t be that phased. She does hate him after all for messing up the album despite how he actually didn’t do it.

Something did it. That creature that has been haunting him and Sunny. Forcing Sunny to do horrible acts. Basil wishes he could help Sunny get rid of it.

Then a thought hit him.

He looked at the shears in his hands.

He could help Sunny, but at what cost?

Most likely his own life.

Something probably won’t give up easily, using Sunny as a puppet to fight him. To kill Something he was going to have to kill Sunny.

Does he have the strength to do that though?

Sunny hasn’t been outside in four years and he looked as thin as a stick. Even Basil had a chance to overpower him.

Now another question, what would he do afterward? Hero, Aubrey, and Kel wouldn’t accept him if he killed Sunny.

They would hate him.

Perfect. Absolutely perfect.

He could finish himself off and no one would miss him.

Basil felt tears prick in his eyes as he smiled. He was finally going to finish this nightmare.

Sunny could finally rest.

How was he going to get to Sunny? That is the only part missing. He needs to be able to get to Sunny before he leaves Faraway.

This...This puts a damper on his plans.

Damn it.

Why can’t anything work in his favor?

He was about to throw his shears in a fit of rage until-


Someone was knocking on the bedroom door.

Basil felt his heart stop.


“Basil? Basil, are you okay?” Hero spoke to the closed door.

There was no response but that was to be expected. He is currently mourning his grandma after all. Kel wouldn’t be surprised if his voice was sore from crying.

“Hey, Basil. I know you must be surprised hearing my voice and everything. Especially since I put you through so much shit. I just want to say...I’m sorry that I treated you like crap. You didn’t deserve it….” Aubrey spoke up.

Kel gave her a small supportive smile at her apology. He could tell that she was trying her best to make it up to him.

There was still no sound except their breathing. At this point, Kel wouldn’t be surprised if Basil was actually asleep.

“If you want, you four could stay the night. I could bring out blankets and you could sleep in the living room.” Polly offered.

“That would be great! Thanks, Polly!” Kel beamed.

“No problem! Anything for Basil’s friends.” Polly smiled warmly.


Basil couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Everyone was going to stay the night at his house, including Sunny.

He felt himself smiling and realized for the first time in a while he was actually happy.

He could save Sunny! He can finally get rid of Something!

Everything was working out!

Maybe, finally…

Everything is going to be okay.

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