Finding lost memories but at what cost?

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It didn’t take long for them to find another photograph. Kel picked it up, his face twisting with confusion as he held it for the others to see.

The photo was of what looked like Sunny trying to perhaps shake Mari awake. It actually stung Aubrey to see, knowing that Mari wasn’t getting up anytime soon.

Sunny took the photo and placed it in the album.

Aubrey wonders if he is even placing them in the right places but decides not to question it. Perhaps the photos will put themselves in order.

More people disappeared from their hospital beds as they continued to look around.

The next photo was nearby and Aubrey picked it up.

A wave of sadness hit her when she saw Sunny crying next to the body. The others were looking over her shoulder, their faces covered in concern and sadness for Sunny.

Sunny just looked more ill, his skin somehow even paler. He took the photo and placed it in the album with no comment.

The sudden noise of people flatlining startled them from their thoughts as IV bags fell out of their patient's arms leaving blood dripping on the ground.

The window on the wall clicked open with a red glow shining through. Sunny looked towards the light and looked eerily drawn to it.

Sunny walked towards the window and slid through the opening. A light thud could be heard on the other side as he landed.

“Sunny!? Are you okay!?” Hero yelled in concern.

“Yeah!” Sunny yelled back.

It felt weird to hear Sunny yell but she shrugged it off, sliding through the crack next.

She landed next to Sunny to see they were in his house again. The only difference was the staircase looked like it stretched to infinity and the photo in front of it.

She noticed a few red drops on the ground to look up and see-

“Holy shit, Sunny! You’re bleeding!”

Sunny looked at her with confusion before she touched his left ear which was covered in blood. It also looked like the skin was peeling off him.

Two more thuds were heard as Hero and Kel ran up to Sunny as well to check the wound.

“How did that happen?” Hero asked.

Sunny shrugged, clearly nervous about the wound as well. The blood was dripping onto the floor fast and it didn’t look like it was going to stop soon.

Aubrey sighed as she was glad her jacket rebuilt itself since Black Space, otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to rip off a piece and wrap it around Sunny’s ear.

The makeshift bandage quickly became stained but at least it covered up the wound.

After she put the bandage on tightly Sunny moved to pick up the photo on the ground.

He stared at it in confusion, looking as if he was trying to remember what exactly was happening in the photo.

Aubrey decided to look at herself and saw that it was a photo of Sunny and someone else carrying Mari up the stairs.

The other figure is most likely Basil judging by the previous photos they gathered.

Why were they bringing Mari upstairs? When do these photos take place? Aubrey really doesn’t like the implication behind these photos and it was clear that Hero and Kel didn’t either. Sunny just looked really confused which was understandable since he doesn’t remember what is happening in these photos.

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