Let's go save Basil.

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Hero’s thoughts were going crazy as the group stared at the whirlpool. Everyone minus Omori was nervous. Just, what the hell is going to happen at Basil’s house? He watched as Omori moved forward first, jumping into the whirlpool with a splash. Kel followed behind and then Aubrey. Hero took a deep breath to clear his thoughts before hopping in as well.

They ended up in an area where the water was light pink as if trying to light up the colorless cave. His eyes scanned the walls of the cave only to find wiggling hands above them, squirming as if they are trying to break through an invisible force. He could hear the sounds of waterfalls just behind the cave walls and feel the presence of eyes watching the group's every move as they continued forward.

They only managed to get so far before the pink water suddenly became blood-red which instantly reminded Hero of the Coral Tree.

“ You have come again to seek the truth. Each time your adventures may be disparate. But as your journey nears its end, it will always lead you back here. The truth. The truth is always the same. ”

The blood water turned back to pink as the group tried to process what they have been told. This isn’t the first time Sunny has had these dreams, in fact, he is trying to remember a truth. What truth? What did Sunny forget that is so important?

They continued forward some more before the water became blood again.

“ The path to the truth was once here, but it has been removed. It was moved to a lighthouse on a pier. Then, a library banished deep underground. After that, an old barn on a distant planet. And this time, it will be in the heart of the vast forest.”

Each time it seems the truth gains a new entrance. Hero knows about the places the voice listed. They’ve been to all of them beginning with the farm to the lighthouse with the ruined photo of Mari and Sunny’s family.

He wonders why the truth keeps hiding if Sunny wants to find out what it is. Maybe it is a traumatic experience he is repressing and his brain knows it would be bad if he remembers it? Maybe it is something more. Hero wouldn’t know unless he helps Sunny find it.

It only took a few moments of walking for the blood to return.

“ No matter how many times the path is concealed, the flower boy will always find it. And your dear sister Mari, she will always guide you to it. Even as hollow shells they will evolve. And each time, they will grow wings and fly too close to the sun. It is their nature. They are the only ones who know...and one has carried it with her to her grave. ”

...So Mari and Basil know what the truth is. What is this truth? I had to be about something that happened four years ago that was really awful. How does Mari know it? Well, it does make sense she would know because she is his sister but what about Basil?

He was concerned for Sunny and Basil when he saw them again at the lake but...he’s worried about them. He just wants his friends to be okay…

He noticed Kel and Aubrey with expressions that match his own. Concern, worry, fear, and confusion were written all over them. He sighed and grabbed both of their hands which seemed to jolt them out of their thoughts.

They were going to find this truth along with Basil together.

They moved onward as the blood returned.

“ Death may no longer be a danger here, but the memories of them do not fade so easily. Many times, your friends have met with an unfortunate fate. Although they are revived time and time again, the most haunting stay in this world. Even if only their bones remain. The long-lost ones sink here, to the bottom of Deep Well and become nothing. You have forsaken them, yet they still long for your care. Their souls know nothing but how to scream for help. Do you take pity on them?”

Hero’s mind flashed to Sweetheart’s castle as he remembered all the skeletons they found there, hung up in chains and strapped to tables. Hero felt like he just swallowed a brick as he resisted the urge to throw up. Judging by everyone else’s faces they were resisting to do the same.

How many times did Sunny have to watch them get brutally slaughtered and tortured? How many times did he wake up in a cold sweat because of it?

He moved to Omori and opened his arms, wrapping them tightly around the boy. He didn’t move at all as Kel and Aubrey joined in on the hug.

Omori just stared dead ahead, his body still and eyes dead. He waited until Hero and the others released him to continue moving forward as if he was unbothered by the voice.

It only took a few steps before it came back.

“ Your dear sister Mari with a bad knee. You could not bear to see her die again, so she was given the safety of a picnic blanket. Yet, it is in her nature to leave and protect. And when she does, she will leave you again and be born anew with the undying soul you cursed her with.”

Of course Sunny would want to protect Mari, fantasy world or not she was his sister. He knows that if he had to watch Kel die and die all over again that he would try to find ways to protect him. He justs wishes that perhaps he could have been there for Sunny so this world wouldn’t have been built in the first place.

“ The souls that used to be assigned to your friends. They were fragile and must be protected. So they were always asleep. Yet, this time the path to the truth is closer to your most precious room than before. Will you be able to bury it this time?... Perhaps it is too late for you.”

The more and more Hero hears about this truth the more important it seems. He could see his friends get more and more concerned as they make their way through the waters.

At the end laid a windowsill that reminded Hero of the one Mari disappeared into. Instead of a bright light shining through, however, it was the moon. Trees slightly shook and the stars glowed brightly as Hero took in the sight.

The group moved forward and the moon’s light faded. The stars became dull and the trees were barely visible.

“ You know of the keys to the other realm. They are different each time, but they unlock the same door. The end of this journey will lead to suffering but if you do not face this, you cannot continue. This form, though it has not shown its true self, is evil. You will not see that unless you fight it. When your intentions become hazy they will transpire into this world like a thick fog. You will know when it happens. It has happened before after all.”

The voice paused as if it were giving them time to process what it was saying, but it didn’t stay like that for long.

“ At that time, return to where the truth was reborn. To the heart of the forest. And like each time before it, attempt to rewrite your fate. Will you be doomed to repeat this cycle over and over? Or will you break it? Explore this world while you can dreamer. Until there is nothing left.”

The windowsill disappeared leaving behind a mark that looked like the shadow creature that has been following them the whole time. Its eye, however, was a crack that seemed just big enough for everyone to fit into.

They hesitantly walked forward and Omori went through first. Then Kel, Aubrey, and finally Hero. To their surprise when they made it to the other side they climbed out of a cabinet and found themselves back into the neighbor's room where they had begun.

“...So...what now?” Aubrey asked no one, knowing damn well what they had to do.

“Let’s go save Basil.” Hero stated, making his way to the stairs.

He wasn’t going to let his friends suffer.

Not anymore.

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