Humphrey pt4

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Hero pressed the green button and watched the bomb sink into the ground. Another platform took its place, holding a mini desk with an old computer on it. Behind them, the green teleportation pad lit up. Hero walked forward towards the computer and took a look, seeing that it wanted a password.

On the side, there was a list of passwords for the group to choose from. Those choices being; I love Molly, Password, Humphrey, Boom, Robot, and Nevermind.

“Okay, how much do you want to bet the password is password?” Kel jokingly asked.

“I mean, it seems like it would fit their humor.” Aubrey chuckled.

“Press it. See if it works. We already cut the wires so what is the worst that could happen?” Kel joked.

“...Alright, but if we die I blame you.” Hero sighed, seeing no harm in going along with it. After all, they did cut the wires. He doubts that the bomb would actually work by now.

“Wait bro, I didn’t really-”

It was too late for Hero has already put in the password, causing the computer to let out a beep with a mini statement attached.

“Password incorrect. Mini bomb activated.”

“Mini bomb? What mini bomb?” Aubrey tilted her head before the group heard beeping from under their feet.




...He should have expected that. Why did he go through with it? God, he was exhausted and he has no idea why he is. He just wanted to wake up.

Well, he was toast now and waiting for Omori to hopefully revive him.

Speaking of Omori, he guesses now would be a lovely time to question everything he knows about Sunny.

Sunny is very clearly, not okay. He would need to be an inanimate object to not know that. Another thing was that Kel wanted to bring up an event that happened with him and Sunny.

“There was also another instance I rather not bring up without Sunny but I think we can confirm these things are coming from Sunny.”

Hero has been wondering what that other instance was but decided not to pry. He wonders how important it is though if Kel wanted to bring it up with Sunny in the room.

He also knows some dreams are heavily based on symbolism. Was it symbolism that had Omori eat Sunny’s head or was it something else? He couldn’t think of anything else other than it being symbolism. Perhaps he could search it up in the morning.

God, sitting in the void is boring. He remembers hearing a voice in here once, it sounded like Basil.

He hopes Basil is okay. He has been through a lot lately. He should check on him in the morning, that would be smart.

“ Help! Help! Please! W-Why me… ” A sudden voice echoed through the area, startling Hero.

“H-Hello!? Are you okay!?” Hero yelled out but there was no response except crying.

His heart was beating fast in his chest as the darkness suddenly felt like it was suffocating him. It hurts. It hurts so much.

He blinked.


When his eyes opened he was laying face first on the ground of the lab, his body shaking a bit.

He slowly got up and took a deep breath. Trying to collect his thoughts as Omori revived everyone else.

He rubbed his eyes, wiping away any stray tears that may have come out without him knowing. He sighed and turned to Kel with a deadpan expression, “I am never taking advice from you again.”

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