Kel and Aubrey chat

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Notes:best read after completing the main story

Aubrey sighed as she sat outside of Sunny’s hospital room. She was waiting for the doctors to leave so she could privately talk to Sunny about...everything. Sunny said that he would gladly answer any questions they have so she came to see him.

She had a lot of emotions and thoughts she really needed to sort out but she wouldn’t say she is mad at Sunny for keeping it secret for so long. She feels the same way Hero did about it, mainly upset that he managed to forget that he was her killer. Honestly, if they didn’t go through everything with Sunny and Basil, Aubrey probably wouldn’t be in the hospital right now and still sorting her emotions.

It was...a lot to think about really. It’s clear how Sunny feels about everything, after all, they have been inside his head. She wishes she was there for him earlier. Now he was going to be moving away the moment the doctors let him go, which if Aubrey remembers correctly is in three days.

Is it bad she wants them to keep him longer so she could spend more time with him? Probably.

She let out another sigh as she heard footsteps approaching her. She turned around to face Kel who looked tired. She doesn’t blame him, she had a hard time sleeping as well. The fear of re-entering Headspace or hell, being transported to Black Space was looming over her as she tried to sleep last night.

“Hey, Aubrey! Whatcha doing here?” Kel asked.

“The same reason as you, waiting to talk with Sunny.” Aubrey pointed to the door.

“Oh, is he talking with doctors right now?” Kel tilted his head.

“Yeah, they’re testing his vision.” Aubrey clarified.

“Ah, okay!” Kel nodded in understanding.

The two fell into a comfortable silence before Aubrey got an idea. If she couldn’t talk to Sunny she could talk to Kel.

“Hey, Kel. Wanna go to the roof? I wanna talk with you,” Aubrey began.

“Huh? Oh….” Kel remembered what they promised.

“C’mon. Better sooner than later.” Aubrey sighed as she began walking.

Kel followed right behind her silently, clearly nervous about the talk they’re about to have.

They walked to and up the staircase with light tension. They made it to the doors of the roof and slowly opened them. The sunlight immediately washed over them as the roof barely had anything on it. In fact, the only interesting thing about it was the broken handrail. That wasn’t dangerous at all.

She swears this hospital is one of the shittiest ones around.

Kel walked out after her with a small smile before looking at the broken handrail, “Gee, that’s unsafe. Why haven’t they fixed that?”

“I don’t know. I don’t own the hospital.” Aubrey rolled her eyes.

“True. After this, we should grab a nurse.” Kel stated.

“Yeah….” Aubrey looked at the floor.

A wave of calm washed over them as the sun warmed their skin. Aubrey took a deep breath and looked at Kel who seemed to be enjoying the view. He seemed happy but....she knows better by now.

“So...what was it like for you when Mari died?” She asked.

“God, starting heavy, huh?” Kel let out a dry laugh, “...It was rough. Sunny closed himself off from the world, Basil became so timid, and you seemed angry and upset. I tried to give you all space but that seemed to be the opposite of what you guys needed. I’m...I’m sorry I left you.” Kel looked over the edge of the handrail he stood by.

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