Can't breathe

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“What do you mean you don’t know where you are?!” Aubrey shouted.

“Aubrey! Calm down!” Kel tried to defend Basil.

“Ugh! Why does everything have to be so complicated!” She complained as she kicked at the ground.

Basil was starting to get nervous, backing up onto the dock as Aubrey’s eyes landed on him.

“Can you at least describe the area you were in?” She asked desperately as she turned towards him.

“N-No, it k-kept changing.” Basil lied. He didn’t want to tell her about the black void with the doors and the voice.

Especially the voice. He doesn’t want her to make fun of him about it.

To confirm that they don’t care.

He backed up some more as Aubrey walked closer as if she was a predator and he was her meal. The smell of the lake clogging his nose as mosquitoes flew by his legs, landing on him and piercing his skin. He wanted to go home.

“Really! Come on, there at least had to be somewhere you kept appearing at!” Aubrey yelled.

Basil racked his brain for any of the rooms he entered that seemed to be a constant. He ended up remembering the pink hallway.

“T-There was one room where I thought I saw you guys. The m-moment I tried to call out to you everything-” You all murdered me in cold blood “- was different. I was put in another room. I don’t remember what it looked like, sorry…” Basil muttered out the last part as Aubrey walked forward some more.

Basil walked backward more with fear in his eyes until-

His foot slipped.

He felt himself fall as Aubrey’s eyes widened. Everything seemed to be in slow motion.

Basil couldn’t swim.

That was a well-known fact.

He felt his heart stop in fear as the back of his head hit the water.

Is this how he dies? Not at all what he was expecting, yet he doesn’t feel like it is right to complain.

An awful death for an awful person.

He just hopes Aubrey doesn’t blame herself. It was his fault for backing up too much.

He turned around away from the surface and looked into the depths of the lake in hopes of dying quicker.

It would be easier this way.

What he didn’t expect was a face to look at him back with a terrifying smile.


Aubrey felt her next words die in her throat as Basil fell into the water. Damn it! Why didn’t she try to stop him from moving backward?

“Fuck!” She swore under her breath as Basil fell deeper into the water as if he was being dragged down.

“Aubrey! What the heck!?” Kel shouted as he ran forward.

“Ya, ya, this is on me…” Aubrey muttered as she stared into the water. She began taking off her shoes before looking at the water again.

“...Was something in the water moving? It doesn’t look like Basil...ugh, whatever! Just save him already!” Aubrey berated herself in her mind.

Sunny ran forward as well, looking into the water to find any signs of Basil. He spotted him almost immediately, flailing his arms under the water, trying to return to the surface to no avail.

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