Humphrey pt1

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Aubrey wasn’t having a good time.

That should be clear by the fact that she broke down crying because she had witnessed Omori eating Sunny’s head. Isn’t Omori actually Sunny? Why would Sunny eat his own head!? Was it some messed-up symbolism that she didn’t understand or was it meant to be terrifying?

Then there was the whole Kel situation where he kept teasing her. She’s glad normal Kel took his body back or there definitely would be nobody to go back into by now. Honestly, it gave her quite the scare. She wondered if he saw anything while being gone. Oh well, she might find out later. After all, becoming toast seemed to be something she was good at.

If that wasn’t bad enough she was now in a whale’s stomach. Isn’t this literally vore?

She hated that thought. She regrets thinking that. Why did she have to think that? God, this was awful. When were they going to wake up? She hoped it was soon...

“Hello everybody! Whale-come to my lair!” A mini blob of flesh appeared and smiled at them.

Aubrey took a deep breath and immediately regretted it, coughing because of the stench in this place.

“Sorry about the smell, I haven’t cleaned in a while. I’ll get to it soon enough!” Humphrey nervously laughed.

“Please get to it as fast as possible...ugh…” Aubrey groaned as Humphrey continued to chuckle.

“Anyways, we have three paths to choose from. Do you know which way you saw Basil?” Hero asked, mostly bothered by the way the flesh moved under his feet.

“I, um, don’t remember. So I guess you're just gonna have to look either way you want! Be careful though, some of the witches prepared puzzles to fool others. Good luck!” Humphrey slinked back into the floor.

“Wh- HEY!” Aubrey shouted but she was too late, he was already gone.

“So now what?” Kel asked as he looked at the wooden boat nearby, “Wanna start exploring?”

“That would be...for the best.” Hero muttered, seeming exhausted.

Aubrey wondered what was on her friend’s mind but decided against asking. She could find out later when they wake up again.

The group got on the boat and Omori began to steer the ship down the left path. Making their way past the windows with Humphrey’s inside, watching them with unblinking eyes.

God, is Sunny okay? Why does everything seem suddenly horrifying to look at?

They ended up docking on a mini island with some trash on it with a blue pad on the ground. Kel walked over to it with curiosity in his eyes. He looked around before he jumped on it with no hesitation.

He was suddenly teleported to a high-up dock nearby. He turned to the patch of land and yelled, “Hey, guys! Jump on the pad!” He motioned with his hands.

Everyone followed Kel’s lead and Aubrey had to say, being teleported felt weird. Imagine being split into tiny pieces but for some weird reason, it didn’t hurt. Then you get reconstructed in an instant. Not bad but if she had to rate it, she would give it a 6/10.

The group made their way into a nearby elevator, moving upwards into a dark room with a light blue screen on the ceiling. The screen flashed some static before a woman appeared on the screen.

The lady had long white hair that flowed beautifully with two tentacles coming out of her head like horns. She wore a white long dress with no sleeves and also had tentacles for her hands. She sighed, “Oh, hello Marina. Are you here to steal my things again? Well, not this time. I’ve prepared something extra special for you today! Fuhuhu!”

This was obviously a prerecorded message from one of the witches Humphrey mentioned, though Aubrey had to wonder why does this lady look like… that.

Not that it wasn’t interesting character design but she had to wonder what inspired Sunny’s mind to create her.

“As you know, I am a very busy person. But alas, you are my sister. I will grant you access to my room if you can solve my little gift.” The woman on the screen spoke with a smile.

A small gift? Might be a short puzzle, nothing they can’t handle-

“I hope to see you soon darling if you’re still alive that is!” She laughed as the TV turned off and the lights turned on.

In the middle of the room was a bomb with two Humphrey’s on the side, whispering to each other.

“...WHY.” Hero put both hands on his face as he groaned about whatever they were going to need to do. Aubrey doesn’t blame him, she feels the same way.

Omori made his way to the bomb with the others close behind. It was connected to three computers, each a different color. Blue, red, and green.

Aubrey took a look at the red computer and squinted his eyes to make out the words on the screen.


Oh, so they had to do different types of puzzles to turn off the bomb. She could understand that, but they should look at the other options before they-

Kel leaned onto the red computer a bit, his elbow pressing one of the buttons causing the room to shake and the bomb sunk into the floor.

“KEL! WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?” Aubrey shouted at him.


Another machine came up with four different wires inside. Red, blue, white, and green. Behind them, they heard a noise of a red teleportation pad booting up.

“Um, Kel, I think you accidentally activated a puzzle…” Hero trailed off, fidgeting nervously with his hands.

“Oh. Whoops.”

Whoops indeed.


Basil sat alone in the void. He felt as if the world was dragging him down, slower, and slower.

His breathing was soft and yet he could hear his heart in his chest.

He tried to focus on good memories but every time he blinks he feels as if he would drift away forever.

There was just one thing on his mind.

The voice had told him no one liked him. Sunny doesn’t like him for his idea with Mari. Kel only acts as he likes him so he has a good conscience. Aubrey relentlessly bullies him, causing people who don’t know him to hate him as well. Hero rarely does, and most of the time it is for favors. Polly is forced to take care of him and his grandmother. His reputation has been soiled from groups of people thanks to him being “too weak” because he cries most of the time.

He just wants it to end all of it but there is one thing keeping him going.

His grandma has been by his side since the beginning. It would be upsetting, downright cruel of him to pass on before her. Making her think perhaps his death could be blamed on her.

No. He doesn’t want that.

He decided that a while ago.

The moment his grandma passes on, he will be close to follow.

Maybe then he could apologize to Mari.

Maybe then he could be happy.

Maybe then everyone could be happy.

The thought of them smiling…

It brings a smile to his face.

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