Humphrey pt12

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At the beginning of the fight, things surprisingly went smoothly. Aubrey and Omori were in the front lines doing damage and Hero, with his skills, and Kel throwing random healing items at them were pretty helpful. It was when the Humphrie’s began to merge did the fight get harder.

“Hmm, this fight is getting a bit smelly. I think it’s time you get in my belly!” Humphrey launched forward and grabbed Kel with his teeth and threw him into the air. He opened his mouth as Kel fell back down and swallowed him.



Hero ran forward, propping Humphery’s mouth open with his spatula. He looked inside and saw nothing but a deep dark abyss.


Hero internally panicked. If Kel became toast down there he might be in danger.


Omori and Aubrey ran forward and looked at Hero before nodding. This was going to be disgusting but it was unfortunately necessary.

They hopped into the mouth with ease and they were greeted with bones and Humphrey’s face on the flesh wall.

He began his attacks which were harder to dodge than previously, though it was also easier to attack him. Hero didn’t bother questioning what was happening nor his actions. He could do that later when his life isn’t at risk.

“It doesn’t matter how quick or how slow, the more you struggle the deeper we go!” Humphrey opened his mouth again, swallowing them all with ease.

They opened their eyes to find the area was similar to the last one, this time with more bones. Hero began to wonder just how many people Humphrey had eaten but quickly shook his head. He needed to stay focused.

More attacks flew by, Hero mainly focused on healing once again as Kel, Omori, and Aubrey did the most attacking. Kel managed to get a good hit on Humphrey, knocking out one of his teeth.

“Ow! That hurt!” Humphrey complained as he continued to attack.

Omori slashed his knife wildly, causing some of the skin to ooze blood. It was absolutely disgusting but better the whale than them.

“Just relax, you have nothing to fear. Hey Omori, is it getting stuffy in here?” Humphrey asked before once again swallowing them.

Once again the area was the same just filled with more bones. Hero will admit, it is getting stuffy here. The bones made it harder to maneuver around, getting his pant legs stuck on ribs and having the bones poke his skin was annoying.

As they attacked Humphrey seemed to be getting lost in his thoughts, “Hmm, cooking meat is very fun! Should you be rare, medium-rare, medium, or well done?”

He ate them again and another area with bones greets them. Just how many layers does Humphrey have?! Hero hoped that this was getting them somewhere because otherwise, they’ll just keep lowering forever.

He was beginning to get tired as well. Most of the items were used up and Hero’s juice was running low. He was expecting to turn to toast any second now.

“It’s pointless to squirm. Give up, my friend. I’m afraid this cycle will never end.” Humphrey opened his mouth and ate them again.

Hero couldn’t last much longer.

He became toast.


Opening his eyes he found himself back in the void, face to face with Stranger.

“I told you not to come back again.” He sighed.

“Sorry...Humphrey is a hard battle.” Hero nervously laughed.

“I understand. He is one of the great creatures, after all, it would be unwise to not have given him strength at his creation.” Stranger nodded.

A sudden scream rang out scaring both Hero and Stranger.

“Who is that!? I swear almost every time I become toast I hear them…” Hero muttered.

“That’s your friend Basil. I would protect him yet I am unable to interact until it is time.” Stranger sighed again.

“Wait, that’s Basil!? What do you mean until it is time!?” Hero suddenly had way too many questions.

“Calm down. Basil isn’t in physical danger though I can’t say he isn’t in danger mentally.” Stranger answered one question.

“How much danger is he in!?” Hero couldn’t calm down. Not until he knows Basil is okay.

“A lot. Once again I can’t do anything till time. I am sorry.” Stranger answered honestly.

Hero took in some deep breaths, trying to calm himself down, “...When is the time you can help him?”

“Soon. You’re about to be revived. I am sorry for what you might see later on.” Stranger began to walk away.

“Wait! What will I-” Hero couldn’t finish his sentence as he reawoke back inside Humphrey.

“There is no need to squirm. Ignorance is bliss. How many times must we do this? ”

Humphrey swallowed them again, not giving Hero the time to process what is happening.

Things only seemed to be getting worse. More bones and blood were around them as Humphrey tried to prevent them from progressing.

Hero got up and began healing the others as much as he could. He even began attacking Humphrey with them and doing tons of damage.

Humphrey once again swallowed them. This time, however, it was different. They were in Humphrey’s mouth but he wasn’t swallowing them. He hung from above as a uvula and laughed at them, “Going somewhere? Nyak! Nyak! Nyak!”

Aubrey ran forward enraged and slammed the uvula so hard that Hero was surprised it didn’t fall off. The area suddenly began to rumble as a strong gust of wind pushed them up through all of Humphrey’s mouths before they popped out of the blowhole, safely landing on the dock where they began. A black fuzz followed as it landed on the dock with them.

Humphrey let out a burp before yawing.

“Huh, I suddenly feel very sleepy. I think I will take a nice nap…” He yawned again before lowering into the water, leaving only a mini whirlpool for them to travel through behind. The room went dead quiet with no one knowing what to say.

“That was one of the worst experiences of my life. I can’t wait to wake up soon…” Aubrey broke the silence.

“I agree. That was awful.” Kel nodded.

“Let’s just...let’s just collect the fuzz and go.” Hero groaned.

Omori nodded and grabbed the fuzz. There was no hole underneath it but Omori looks content so it must have been a good one.

They were about to jump into the whirlpool when it happened.

The fuzzies Omori picked up suddenly morphed into keyboard keys spelling out a simple sentence.


It was like a movie playing in front of their eyes as they saw Basil’s house in the dreamworld once again. Instead of looking comfy and welcoming as it did before however, the moat around it was filled with blood with black inky hands coming out of it. The trees surrounding it looked dead and the house looked abandoned.

They blinked and they were back at the whirlpool.

“...What the fuck.” Aubrey muttered.

“I...I think we need to investigate that…'' Kel seemed to be nervous.

Hero couldn’t blame them.

“ I am sorry for what you will see later on. ”

He was too.

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