Sweetheart's Castle pt7

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You know, Aubrey wasn’t expecting to be turned into toast...again. It seemed life had different plans though. She should have seen it coming though with how both Kel and Hero turning into toast thanks to the Maximus bloodline.

Stupid Maximus bloodline. Oh well, now she needs to wait for someone to revive her. It is either going to be Hero or Omori, though she puts her main bet on Hero. During this fight, Omori seemed...spaced out? Was that the word? How you could be spaced out in your own mind is a weird concept to her but Sunny has always been strange.

…God it was boring in here.

Jee, they never took this long reviving Hero nor Kel. What is taking them so long now? Don’t tell her they didn’t notice.

“I deserve this…”

...What the fuck? Who was that?

“I deserve it, I deserve it, I deserve it, I deserve-”

A sob rang out. It sounded a lot like-

“Basil?” Aubrey whispered.

Of course, she was immediately revived as the words fell out of her mouth as if bringing up Basil’s name was forbidden where she was.

Upon coming back the group was still fighting Maximus the best they could. Kel whacks it with his ball, Omori slashing, and Hero making up items for the others to heal with. She couldn’t tell who revived her because whoever did was already back in battle.

Though, despite the battle going on her thoughts were still focusing on the voice she heard.

“I deserve it.”

It sounded like Basil. No, not sounded like, it was Basil. Then a thought hit her, one that she didn’t even think of.

If she is real, Hero is real, Kel is real, Omori is...Sunny and real, wouldn’t that mean that Basil was real and trapped somewhere?

...Okay now that is a scary thought to think about. She doesn’t know exactly how to feel about that. Part of her says “This is what you get for nearly destroying the album bitch!” the other half remembers what Basil said about how he deserves what is currently happening to him. What even is happening to him? Is he being tortured or something?

‘Ugh, brain hurts! Focus on the battle, Aubrey!’ she berated her thoughts.

She ran up to Maximus the Third and kicked the little shit out of one of Sweetheart's windows. She immediately regretted doing that as Maximus was wearing armor and she was barefoot.

“Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Why did I do that!?” Aubrey yelled in pain. This is why she shouldn’t be allowed to think about things. She should leave the smart shit to Hero.

“Aubrey! Are you okay?” Hero asked.


“...Fair point.” Hero muttered.

Omori walked up to her and handed her a candy bar which she gladly accepted. Shoving it into her mouth the wound began to magically disappear. Thank you, video game mechanics that control Sunny’s head, for existing.

Letting out a sigh of relief she gave Omori a thumbs up, “Thanks…so which one of you revived me?”

“...You were knocked down?” Hero looked surprised.

“Uh, yeah, I was toast for a while…” She looked at everyone. Kel and Hero looked shocked while Omori just gave a stare.

“Let me guess, none of you revived me?” She asked nervously. They had to be kidding, right?

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