Still trying to question a depressed teen. Still failing.

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“Kel...that sounds-” “Really dumb, I know.” Kel sighed.

“What even gave you that idea?” Hero asked.

“Well, I wasn’t the only one who saw the dre- I mean, Headspace creatures after the first time right?” Kel asked the others.

“WAIT SO YOU SAW THEM AS WELL?” Aubrey shouted.

“I saw some at school!” Hero nodded.

“I know Basil saw them as well, I just thought we were seeing things from the heat.” Kel nervously laughed.

“Dude. Really? You see a Headspace creature and go ‘hmm that’s normal! Just a weird creature walking around, nothing to see here!’” Aubrey sighed in disappointment after mocking Kel.

“Okay, okay, I might be stupid-” “An understatement-” “ANYWAYS,” Kel took a deep breath, “We clearly saw the Headspace creatures. The creatures come from Sunny’s mind. There was also another instance I rather not bring up without Sunny but I think we can confirm these things are coming from Sunny.”

“If these things are coming from Sunny I want to know what the FUCK was going on in his head if it can make a giant hand physically grab me and drag me into a closet only to blink and find out I am okay!” Aubrey complained.

“So basically what I got from this is that we should all be concerned about Sunny.” Hero put his hands on his head. He should have been concerned for Sunny’s health after Mari’s death! But noooo he just had to mope on his bed.

Needless to say, Hero was disappointed in himself for not trying to comfort Sunny sooner.

“So, what is the plan?” Aubrey asked.

“We need to find a way to talk to Sunny,” Kel stated.

“Fine, we could continue questioning him…” Aubrey suggested.

“That would be for the best.” Hero nodded.

As if talking about him summoned him, Sunny walked into the room. He looked more tired than before but Hero could understand. After today he is exhausted as well.

“Dude, are you good?” Kel asked and Sunny shot him a deadpan look.

“No Kel. He isn’t.” Aubrey groaned.

“...Do you have more questions?” Sunny looked at them patiently, his voice sounding dry after throwing up.

“I’ll get you some water. Don’t wait for me.” Hero got up and walked into the kitchen, keeping an ear open to hear what Aubrey or Kel may ask.

“Where is your toy box?” Kel asked.

Nice question Kel. Hero forgot about the toy box, more distracted by everything else. He grabbed one of the very few cups in the cabinet and put the cup under the faucet.

“I owned a toy box?” Sunny looked at Kel with confusion.

“Uh, yeah? It is where we kept our toys while we stayed over.” Aubrey tried to remind him as Hero turned on the faucet.

The house was almost silent. The only sound being Hero filling up the cup.

“I don't remember it. Sorry.” Sunny looked down in disappointment in himself.

“Uh, okay, another question. You control Headspace right?” Aubrey began.

“...Yesssss?” Sunny nervously looked around.

“Okay, do you know where Basil is? It is the story in your head.” Aubrey finished with a proud grin on her face.

Hero turned off the faucet once the cup was full and smiled to himself. Of course, Aubrey would ask that, it might make tonight a bit easier if they enter Sunny’s head again.

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