The boat is filled with water

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They teleported back to Black Space after finding another red hand. Kel took this chance to throw up in the empty picnic basket. Weirdly enough, after he finished the puke disappeared.

Basil wasn’t as emotionally distraught as last time. He knew the message Sunny was trying to convey. Though he did feel weird with only one arm.

He waved it around a bit, some ash falling through the makeshift bandage. He wondered why his body was made of ash and none of the others were. He could see black stains on Aubrey’s bandages meaning she had some type of blood. Maybe it’s just some weird thing. Why does he care anyway? Wasn't like this was his actual body.

Hero was busy comforting Kel and Aubrey looked like she was restraining herself from freaking out and destroying the place. He didn’t blame her.

She should beat him to death. She deserves to do so.

He blinked.

Everyone else began rapidly looking around.

Oh, it seems like they can sometimes hear his thoughts. That isn’t good. He should refrain from thinking like that.

“What the fuck was that!? Come out, coward!” Aubrey readied her fist.

No one came out.

“Was...Was that voice talking about Aubrey?” Kel asked, rubbing his throat nervously.

“Why does it want her to beat someone up?” Hero muttered.

“I ain’t beating up anyone so scram!” Aubrey continued to yell.

Geez, this is awkward. Can’t they just act like they didn’t hear that?

Omori seemed to feel the same way because he walked to another door, clearly not wanting to stay in this room any longer.

Everyone else seemed to agree.


The next room wasn’t anything Kel could have prepared for.

It was freezing and there were multiple Mari drawings in the sky, aimlessly floating around having her hanging by her hair. It looked like a poor sketch more than anything.

There was a trial on the ground that the group followed until they ran into Stranger.

They stood near a fishbowl that was tilted sideways, the fish flopping on the ground. Kel felt his heartache. So he remembered that...


“Hey, guys? What’s wrong I heard something crash and- oh!” Mari’s voice cut off when she saw Basil, Kel, and Sunny crying around a broken fishbowl. The fish was flopping on the ground, desperately trying to find water to live.

“What happened?” She asked them, her voice filled with concern yet firm.

“I was..I was playing around with Basil and Sunny... and I bumped into the shelf.” Kel sniffled.

“Alright, let’s see here-” Mari walked forward and picked up the fish in her hand, moving to the kitchen quickly and grabbing a cup. She turned on the faucet and put the fish in the cup as she filled it up.

She placed the cup on the table and sighed in relief, “Alright, now I will go pick up the glass. You three stay out of trouble alright, and please move your playing outside.”

Basil, Sunny, and Kel all nodded in shame as they ran outside.


Basil felt awful that day but Mari reassured him accidents happen and that what happened wasn’t his fault. She said that he could make up for it by helping her around the kitchen which he gladly did. Kel helped both of them out as well, deciding that it was mainly his fault for running into the shelf.

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