Lost Library

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As Omori and friends made their way down the aisle it suddenly felt like millions of eyes was watching their every move. Eventually, Omori stopped in his tracks and turned around. Everyone else followed his movements and saw the shadow version of Basil yet again, this time disappearing into the black hole on the stage.

Omori and the others ran onto the stage and looked inside the hole. It went down for what looked like an eternity. An endless void if you will.

Omori looked at everyone as if he was waiting to hear their thoughts.

“It looks like a long way down...do we have to jump?” Hero asked Omori.

Omori looked down the hole and then at his friends again. He backed up slightly before running forward and jumping.

Hero was quick to follow with Kel and Aubrey, jumping into the void like they did the hole under that black fuzz.

They finally hit the ground with a thud as Hero got up slowly with the others.

This place looked old and ancient like they have stumbled across something no one should have found. White egret orchids filled the room with old trees growing out of the ground. Vines also covered the walls and there was a minimal light source coming from torches and the hole above them. A haunted yet beautiful melody played through the place as Hero noticed how dusty and dirty everything was with books covering the floor.

Books? Thinking of it, the place looks like a library.

“Did you know that there used to be a big library here? Apparently, it was so badly taken care of that it sunk into the ground.”

Mari’s words rang in his head as he let out a tiny gasp, “Guy’s, do you remember that library Mari talked about?” he asked.

“Oh, yeah! I remember her talking about it! Do you think we’ll find Basil down here?” Kel asked Hero.

Hero didn’t want to burst Kel’s bubble but he doesn’t think he is going to be down here.

Hero sighed and lied instead, “I have no idea…”

Omori looked around at everyone before letting out a quiet sigh, motioning for the others to follow him. They did before they ran into a spider web that randomly built itself. Hero was unlucky enough to run into it face first.

“Ha!” Kel chuckled as Hero quickly took down the web with his bare hands.

“Damn it! At least there were no spiders in it…” Hero shivered, “Omori, can you take the lead?”

Omori nodded, moving with the group until another spider web built itself. It was quickly taken down with Omori’s knife. Hero silently wondered how the webs never seemed to stick on the knife. Perhaps it was just some weird dream logic.

They continued to walk forward before Hero noticed a ladder leading up to a glowing blue book.

“Hey guys, I am going to check that out okay?” Hero pointed to the ladder.

Hero walked away and climbed up the ladder and grabbed it. He noticed a tiny bookmark in it and so he flipped to the page.

Hero widened his eyes as he read aloud to the group.

“One by one, they fell asleep on the car ride home. It was a long day at the beach, after all, and everyone was exhausted. Blank was the first to nod off, then the rest.”

“Who is blank?” Kel asked.

“Don’t know, the names are scratched out. They have three letters in their name though.” Hero stated.

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