Humphrey pt11

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You know, Aubrey had only a few thoughts on her mind.

Beginning with how she really needs to talk about Sunny, how she needs to find a way to hunt down Sunny’s father to ‘talk’ to him, save Basil from wherever he could be, and finally to try not to get murdered by horny looking squid people.

The last one was getting increasingly harder as the sisters seemed to be experienced fighters. Throwing potions and attacking with the tentacles on their back with confident smirks. Every time they neared one of the Humphrey borders a Humphrey would try to bite them, so they need to pay attention to their surroundings as well.

It was quite hard to pay attention to the surroundings however when you’re in the middle of trying not to be turned into a slice of toast.

“Hmph, you kids are more resilient than expected.” The green squid that she heard the others call Medusa spoke up.

“You know what that means! It’s time to get serious!” Marina grinned with pride as she got a good hit on Kel.

“Oh, I’m having so much fun!” Molly laughed as she charged at Aubrey.

Aubrey smoothly dodged most of her attacks and managed to hit Molly right in the gut. Molly stumbled back before she laughed, “Nice hit, kid! I can do better though!”

Before she could charge again, Omori sneaked up behind her and jumped on her back, latching on like a sloth as he whipped out his knife. Before he could stab her, Marina pulled him off Molly's back and threw him to the floor.

Omori quickly got up and began dodging the duo's attacks with ease until he bumped into one of the Humphrey walls. Humphrey, seeing his opportunity, tried to bite Omori before getting hit with a pan from Hero.

Omori quickly gave a thumbs up to Hero as thanks and went back to slashing at Molly and Marina. Hero ran to Medusa with Kel as they were aiming to do a double attack on her. However, Medusa saw them both coming. Throwing a potion at Hero and blocking Kel’s ball with ease, she ran to Marina and helped her with Omori, knocking him into Aubrey.

“Hey, Medusa! Are you thinking what I am thinking?” Marina turned to her sister.

“Yes sister, I think it’s time we switch things up.” Medusa nodded, looking at Molly.

“Just relax, children. This won’t hurt a bit!” Molly grinned.

A blue light enveloped the group before a whisper could be heard in their ears.

Heart and Juice are swapped!

Suddenly Hero felt a lot more tired due to his juice being low and switching with his health. Aubrey and Omori both suddenly felt like they could take more hits but no way could they use their special skills. Kel, who was making sure to keep his juice and health balanced thanks to experience with games, was the only one barely affected by the change.

What was also unexpected was the fact the squid sisters decided to whip out a chainsaw out of nowhere with a chuckle, handing the weapon to Marina knowing she would do the most damage with it.

Marina laughed as she charged forward with it, slashing it around rapidly at an uneasy pace. She managed to get Hero a few times who yelped in pain. It eventually ran out of gas though, leaving her right open for Omori who slashed her with ease before she could turn Hero to toast.

“Gah! You brat! You’ll pay for that!” Marina shouted as she began to chase him.

Omori suddenly gained an idea as she chased him and made a quick turn to the left. He led her to Molly who she bumped into thanks to her not paying attention to her surroundings. Medusa saw the commotion and ran over to help them which gave Hero the same idea Omori had.

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