Trying and failing to interrogate a depressed teenager.

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Basil was still passed out as everyone was trying to collect their thoughts.

“No, seriously, WHAT THE FUCK.” The pink-girl continued to yell.

“Please stop yelling, my head feels like someone smashed it with a hammer.” Kel groaned as he rubbed his head.

“...Sorry…” She apologized, clearly trying to calm down.

“A-Are you all okay?” Hero asked the group.

“Physically? Eh. Mentally? Not after that…” The pink-haired girl answered.

Hero found that understandable. He feels awful all around. He stood up slowly, looking at Basil’s unconscious body.

“We should take him home... afterward we should talk, somewhere…” Hero muttered.

“O-Okay…” Kel nodded.

The pink-haired girl nodded as well and Hero went and picked up Basil.

Why did Basil feel so...light? Almost like he hasn’t eaten that much.

...Perhaps he hasn’t eaten that much.

Hero sighed in exhaustion. Now he has three people to talk to. Sunny, Aubrey, and Basil.

Walking over to Basil’s house while being drenched was not pleasant at all. His feet just wanted to fall off at this point. He knocked on the door to Basil’s house to be greeted by Polly.

“Oh my! What happened?!” She asked as she took Basil out of Hero’s hands.

“He, um, we took a break at the lake behind the park and he accidentally fell in.” Hero lied. He wished he knew what happened but he figured that was a question for later.

Polly let out a sigh and thanked Hero for bringing Basil back home. Hero gave her a nod to show her it was alright. The moment Polly shut the door Hero spun around to face Sunny, Kel, and the pink-haired girl.

“So, what happened?” He asked.

“I may, or may not of, accidentally startled Basil and he backed up onto the deck and slipped.” The pink-haired girl looked at the ground embarrassed. Oh, now Hero recognizes her. It’s Aubrey, how did he not notice this?

“Hero! Aubrey and I are planning to dye our hair after the recital! She is going to dye her hair pink and I am going to dye mine purple.

Hero let out a sigh as he shook the memory out of his head, “What were you guys even doing at the lake?”

“To interrogate Sunny about his dreamworld...which we haven’t finished doing.” Kel nervously rubbed the back of his head.

Sunny bit his lip and then looked away. His face was unreadable as his mind raced with thoughts.

“Let’s go to Sunny’s place, we’ll talk there.” Hero decided.

Everyone nodded in agreement as they made their way back to Sunny’s house.

“D̴̞̫̟̭̓ȏ̸͠ͅň̷͎͕̩̗̈́͝'̷̭̟̏t̴̲̽̎̚ ̵̧͔̈͋͝s̵̢̻͚̺̈́h̸͖̤̿̌a̶͎̱̮̠̓̐̐̇r̸̢̗̜̓͆è̵̻̽́̕ ̸̟̩̩̂̆͌̎a̷̧͕͋͌̚ṇ̵̺͌͛͝y̴̙̚t̴̳̮̱̞͌̈́͗͝h̵̛̭̼̉͑ḭ̷̺͚̆̐̉ņ̸̙̕g̶̞͛̆ͅ”

Why? They deserve to know somethings…

After all, they were going through all of this effort. Maybe sharing some details about it wouldn’t be so bad...right?

They made it to Sunny’s house and opened the door. The place was practically empty, the only things taking space being boxes filled with old items from the past. Hero felt his heartache. Seeing the house like this felt...wrong, like the only thing that lived here is dread. How could Sunny live like this?

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