"Who the hell does gardening work at two in the morning?"

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Note:read chapter 80 again before reading this side story as this takes place before the basil scene in that chapter.

Basil was running to the hideout with one single thought in his head.

What the fuck is he doing?!

He honestly didn’t know anymore. He just needed to be away from everyone else.

Taking a sharp turn into the park he began running through the woods to get to the hideout. He knew no one would be there. It is way too late at night for anyone to be there.

That’s what he thought anyway.

He froze as he saw Kim on the dock, scrolling on her phone without a care in the world.

Maybe he should have just gone back to his room and locked the door.

Well, it wasn’t like it was too late to do so.

Turning around he was going to silently make his way back but the universe decided to give him the misfortune of a stick lying at his feet.

Stepping on it created the loudest noise Basil could have possibly heard from a stick. The same went for Kim because her head immediately turned to where Basil was standing.


“Who’s there!” Kim shouted, seeing Basil’s shadow.

Turning on her phone light she flashed it to see Basil in the most awkward pose she has ever seen him in.

“U-Uh, hey Kim, I was just gonna…” he looked down to the shears in his hand, “Do some gardening work! But seeing how you’re here I will gladly-”

“Who the fuck does gardening work at like-” She checked the time on her phone “-two in the morning?”

“...Me.” Basil lied.

“...Yeah sure, and I am against shoplifting. What are you actually doing here?” Kim rolled her eyes.

Basil let out a sigh, “I...um, came here for some fresh air. I’ll leave though cause you seemed to enjoy being alone right now and-”

“Actually, I don’t really mind you being here. I think you can answer some questions I have.” Kim grinned.

“Huh? I...I can?” Basil was confused. This isn’t how he expected this to go at all.

“Yeah, tell me. What the fuck is going on with Aubrey?” Kim glared.

“Eh?” Basil was even more confused.

“Listen, she has been acting pretty sketchy and I, her bestie, am concerned. So hand over the info you have, flower boy!” Kim got up and pointed at him.

“I...I don’t know much at all! For the past few days, I have been-”

Struggling, being bullied, mourning, crying, wondering when I was going to die, beaten by a random group of people while trying to buy items for my grandma, dealing with guilt. You know, normal teenager things.

“- working on new projects for my garden and trying to get my photo album back from her. I have barely any info!”

“Okay, okay...liar. I saw her, Kel, and Sun walk into these woods only for you to enter a few minutes later. She was even trying to hide behind Kel! Kel of all people! You and I both know how much she hates him! So what happened? Why is she being so sketchy!” Kim looked pissed off.

Basil nervously looked away, “U-Um, we went swimming?”

“You can’t swim. Aubrey told us that one day when we were planning to throw you in the lake.” Kim looked even more pissed.

“T-They went swimming. I sat on the dock and did nothing.” Basil really just wanted to be left alone.

Kim looked like she was ready to punch him before letting out a sigh instead, “You suck at lying flower boy but I will give ya one thing. You’re stubborn as hell.”

“Uh...thanks?” Basil sighed internally.

“Yeah. I gotta say, I respect her privacy enough to stop questioning you. If it was a small thing you would have to spit it out by now so I guess it really is personal. Sorry for bothering ya, have a nice night.” Kim sighed.

“...I’d wish she’d trust me enough though…” Was the last words Basil heard her muttering before disappearing into the trees.

Basil let out a sigh as he sat down on the dock, gladly taking in the fresh air.

He was glad that the situation was over.


Kim snuck back inside her house, entering her room and sitting on her bed.

Perhaps it was time for her to go to sleep. She could get answers in the morning.

Yet another question entered her mind before she could.

“What was Basil doing with garden shears?”

Eh, it was probably nothing.

Basil is a weird kid.

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