Humphrey pt10

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The puzzle they had to complete was an easy and fun one, at least for Kel. It was easy because Omori had to do the steering and Hero directed him. Kel and Aubrey got to enjoy the feeling of the boat going down the waterfall for what felt like fifty times.

It also gave him time to notice how Omori has been acting a bit off. It was as if he had something on his mind and wanted to talk about but just couldn’t find the energy. It was weird but Kel assumes that perhaps it is from what happened when they weren’t in control. He knows Aubrey has been giving him weird looks as well, though he can’t tell if it is the fact she wants to ask him something or if she is checking to make sure he is alright.

They were currently going down another path, hitting Humphries out of the way when Omori suddenly lifted his hands to grab a fuzz just above the boat. Apparently, it wasn’t worth it for he seemed more upset than he already was.

They finally collected all the Humphries though, so Kel saw that as a plus. They made the bridge and walked across. It felt weird to walk over living...flesh? What is a Humphrey? It’s so weird…

Though they made it to the other side and spotted a door. S-Omori opened it up and it led them into a room with another squid person with Sweetheart. They were both looking into a tube with a black liquid inside.

“My, it smells absolutely horrendous in here! How long is this going to take? My nose is quite sensitive, you know?” She complained, which seemed to be her favorite hobby.

“You will get used to the smell. Now hush, doll. I am working.” The green-haired squid commanded. Huh, normally they would get told their names by now. He’s just gonna call her green.

“And it is done.” Green finished the final touches on her invention.

Sweetheart rushed forward to the invention, “Ugh, finally!” She touched the glass and pressed her face against it, leaving smears behind, “Hello, my perfect suitor! Wake up!”

Green pushed her away from the glass, “Don’t touch the glass, you buffoon! You’ll ruin the experiment!”

“Well, I, Never!” Sweetheart crossed her arms. Man, she really thinks she can do nothing wrong huh.

Suddenly the tube filled with a pink liquid and the glass began to break. Green and Sweetheart shot each other nervous glares before the room suddenly filled with white light. When the light disappeared the top of the tube was broken.

“W-What happened!?” Sweetheart yelled in shock as Green’s eyes scanned the room to find her experiment.

Her eyes widened when she gazed upwards at a copy of Sweetheart lowering down with a pinkish light surrounding her. It kind of reminded Kel of when an anime character was powered up and would glow to show how much power they had.

The experiment landed with a bow and a smile and Green looked amazed, “My...word...This experiment has been greater than I had expected. Take a look, doll.”

Green looked down at a clipboard that Kel only now noticed in her hands, “The results are absolutely perfect. Behold! An absolutely perfect version of yourself!”

Sweetheart walked around the copy as if it was a statue and she wanted to make sure every single detail was correct on it. The copy even began copying her, walking the same way she does.

Sweetheart’s face seemed to scrunch up as she looked deep in thought, “Hmm, I don’t like her.”

Of course, she doesn’t like it. Of course. Can’t this lady ever be satisfied with what she gets?!

“What did you say? Have I heard you correctly!? But she is everything you asked for and more!” Even Green seemed shocked by this outcome. Poor Green, she looked like she worked hard on it as well.

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