A Hero's Perspective

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The moment Hero’s eyes landed on the violin photo the sudden memory hit him. When everything first began they saw that exact photo. He and the others just thought it was symbolism but…

He felt his blood run cold as the darkness consumed all of them.

Opening his eyes he found out he had been teleported to another room with the others. One filled with synths, broken harps, drum sets, and what looked like messed-up tubas. Hero was unnerved by the room but Sunny on the other hand.

Looking at Sunny made pure fear fill his bones.

It was like watching a zombie movie but the zombie was in front of them. Both ears were torn along with his clothes and the flesh on his face was practically decaying. His eyes were glowing red, the glow being eerily small though.

It was like he became a monster.

Wait, wouldn’t that mean he sees himself as a monster? It makes sense if what Hero is thinking is actually true.

If what he is thinking is true then he doesn’t know what he would feel.

Anger, sadness, maybe even fear were all options.

He has spent years trying to sort his emotions after Mari’s death and now they are about to become more jumbled again.

He can think about everything when he wakes up though. Right now Sunny was still trying to get the photographs despite how much pain he clearly was in.

Sunny was practically wobbling across the room until he almost tripped over. Kel was luckily fast enough to catch him before he fell down though. Once he caught him he began hugging him. Hero could only guess that Kel had the same realization as him of Sunny seeing himself as a monster.

Sunny on the other hand didn’t like the hug at all. He was twisting and turning, trying to escape Kel.

Hero felt his heartache more when he heard the pained groans coming from his mouth.

Kel looked at him and opened his mouth, “Did you...Are we both thinking the same thing or…”

He is probably talking about what actually happened to Mari.

Hero had a bad feeling about this since the beginning but seeing the photo of Sunny and Basil dragging her unconscious body down the stairs really made it click for him.

Something awful had happened.

Mari didn’t commit suicide.

What actually did happen though was a mystery. Hero held back his vomit as he walked over to Sunny and hugged him as well, giving a nod to Kel to show they were on the same page.

Aubrey watched them hold on to Sunny as he squirmed. He was trying harder to escape but he is easily overpowered.

Kel and Hero don’t even have that tight of a hold on him.

Aubrey looked concerned before letting out a sigh and joining them in the hug.

Sunny looked confused and angry at them but eventually gave up moving.

Hero felt tears beginning to show in his eyes.

If he was right then Sunny and Basil had been behind everything the whole time. Mari’s death, Aubrey’s anger, Kel’s loneliness, his depression, and yet Hero couldn’t find it in him to get angry at him. He wanted to be angry. Angry that Sunny could forget something as important as this and yet he has seen Sunny suffering the consequences of his actions.

The consequences of forgetting the truth.

The one-eyed creature, the demon in the lake, the fact that his closet had suddenly disappeared along with the memories of it. That wasn’t normal. Sunny wasn’t okay. He hasn’t been okay for four years.

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