Vs Omori

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Sunny stood tall, feeling a million eyes on him as if he was a prize a group of kids was going to win. The feeling burrowed itself into his skull but he didn’t dare look back. Whatever was behind him would take away his resolve and he wasn’t having it. He was done running away from his problems and his friends.

He remembers Basil’s eyes looking down on him, concern had shined through and Sunny felt awful. Basil shouldn’t be concerned for him. It really should be the other way around.

Basil was the one who spent three days in Black Space, not him.

After he defeats Omori he has to apologize to all of them.

Taking a deep breath he steadied himself.

His grip on his violin became stronger.

He just needed to win.


Omori knew what Sunny was planning. He always did. They were the same after all.

Though he had a job to fulfill. That job was to protect Sunny. If he failed that job then there would be nothing left for the both of them. Sunny would suffer. Omori didn’t want that.

He didn’t want Sunny to suffer.

There was only one way out of this now that everyone knows the truth. That way was death. He won’t suffer there. He would be safe and happy. This eternal dream would be his new home.

He wouldn’t have to live in a world that was cruel and harsh. He wouldn’t burden his mother anymore. He wouldn’t need to burden his friends who would have to take care of a murderer. He could be with Mari.

He would be happy.

He just needs to win.

He will win.


Kel watched the fight, barely blinking as Omori and Sunny clashed. He couldn’t afford to miss a second of the fight. He needed to know if Sunny would make it through. The thought of him losing this is what sent Kel into a panic.

He tried struggling to break free again but at this point, it felt like the hands were going to break his ribs. He can’t do anything if that happens so he stopped, though his eyes scanned for anything that could help him escape. Maybe he could grab Sunny’s attention?

Did Sunny even know they were here? He most likely doesn’t, judging how he didn’t turn to face them a single time. He was more focused on the fight.

Speaking of the fight, it was becoming more intense. However, it looked like Sunny was coming out on top! They have a chance! Sunny could win!

He began mentally cheering for Sunny, hoping that his words will somehow get to him.


“You got this Sunny! I believe in you! Kick his ass for me! That’s what he gets for messing with us!”

Kel’s voice rang in Sunny’s head. Sunny took a deep breath and felt some of his wounds close.

He needed to win for himself.

He needed to win for Kel.


Omori cursed mentally.

They were trying to lure Sunny into a false sense of security.

Since when did they care about him?

If they had managed to stay in contact, Sunny would not need Omori but look where they are now.

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