everyone realizes they're a depressed teen.

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“You might have noticed that this place isn’t exactly… normal. The voice has left temporarily, so I am taking this chance to talk with you.” The stranger spoke, looking at the doors.

“...Um, okay?” Basil nodded. He noticed that the voice hadn't spoken yet at all but assumed that it was just going to leave Basil with his thoughts. Though he wonders what this look-alike is planning. He thinks he has almost seen everything by now.

“Good. I want you to know that the voice in here wants to hurt you. It wants you to get angry and upset at yourself. That is its job.” Stranger informed.

“I-I know...He is right to do that though, I deserve all of this...” Basil sighed.

“No, no he isn’t. Though I suppose you would think that you deserve all of this.” The stranger looked at him.

“Why shouldn’t I think I deserve this? I am an awful person! He should torture me more I-!” Basil put his hands on his head as tears pooled in the corner of his eyes.

“Thinking like that isn’t healthy, though I guess I have no room to judge.” The stranger shifted his gaze away from Basil.

“What do you mean by that?” Basil asked as he wiped away some loose tears.

“Well you see, I am the representation of something known as The Truth. The Truth that the dreamer has been hiding the whole time from himself and everyone.” The stranger explained.

“The dreamer to you is known as-”


“Oh. I am sorry young one, we shall cross paths again soon. I promise. Please remember not to give in at all.” The stranger began to fade away.

“Wait! What do you-” Basil was too late. The stranger was gone.


“Sunnnyyyy I am sorrryyyyyy….” Aubrey has been standing outside Sunny’s bedroom door for ten minutes.

“Just when I get him out! Why?!” Kel complained for the twentieth time.

“Sorry I lost my cool! I just want to know why he just suddenly doesn’t have a closet!” Aubrey yelled at him, “Closets don’t just get up and walk away!”

“Guys, hate to ruin your yelling but it is getting late…” Hero looked outside to see the sun lowering.

“Huh!? No way it is that late already!” Kel shouted as he looked out the window in shock.

Aubrey just whacked her head on Sunny’s door lightly, “Sunny, please open up…”

“...I have an idea! Hero, can you convince mom and dad to let us sleepover?” Kel turned to Hero with excitement in his eyes.

“I mean, I could try…” Hero trailed off, “What about you Aubrey, do you think you can sleepover?”

“Yeah, I would need to grab some stuff first. Kel you stay here so Sunny doesn’t lock us out while we are gone.” Aubrey looked over to him as he nodded.

“Aye!” Kel saluted as he sat outside Sunny’s bedroom door.

The moment they left Kel allowed himself to drop his happy face. He was used to doing this when no one was looking. It was practically a part of him.

Put on a happy mask.

Do dumb shit to get laughs.

Go home and scream into the pillow.

It was an average schedule for Kel though his facade was usually hard to keep up. It was amazing how no one noticed yet. He sighed and laid his face against Sunny’s door.

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